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game freaks come here!

Guest podguy the gamer

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Guest podguy the gamer

hey everyone

who likes age of empires or starcraft? anyone? Indiana Jones is a loser.




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Guest podguy the gamer

pedro, you got age of empires II? I'ts awesome huh? There's an expansion called

the conquerors too. Jawamaster, the celts stink. so do the byzantines. The Spanish rule! British longbowmen are good too.




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Guest Jawamaster

Japanese? Oh yeah and the Byzantines rock! So do the Celts! You wouldn't understand because you don't have enough experience.




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Guest podguy the gamer

man jawamaster,

i got plenty of experience. U wanna play me some time and i'll show ya i got enough experienc. pedro, have u ever played a game called starcraft? ANd by the way, the Japanese rock!




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Guest Jawamaster

The Japanese Suck, man! They're the worst civilization! You know i could kick yours at Aoe!




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Guest podguy the gamer

yeah, ok, WHATEVER jawamaster. I could whip ya boy. Samurais could waste a stupid cataphract. Wanna play me!?? anyway, got any jokes?




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Guest podguy the gamer

Oh yeah jawamaster? then why did ya chicken out when i challenged you to play me? huh? huh?




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Guest Jawamaster

I didn't chicken out! I was listening to Smoky Robinson! And I have no idea who the heck that Elizabeth girl was. She was as annoying as hell!




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Guest Yoda_Daniel

Indiana Jones rocks! What the heck are u talkin' about. Anyone who disagrees can try me on Jedi Knight and we'll c whose right. biggrin.gif

Sucka. Foo. Sucka foo.






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