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Post most wanted models here...


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Plo Koon

Kit Fisto

Battle Droid (a couple being made)

Tuskan Raider




Male Twi'Lek (someone made a female)


Female Zebrak (spelling? darth maul species)


and lastly an oprah winfrey model about 4x the size of the average hippo.

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I only want STAR WARS ones hehehehe


1)Luke Skywalker - Bespin Duel

2)Han Solo

3)Leia Boussh

4)Emporers Personal Guard- The Crimson Red Dudes.. of i would so use on of those guys in game.

5)Emporer- With big black robe n stuff

6)Count Dooku

7)Anakin Ep2 - a good one too

8)Zam Wessel - Im supirsed no one else thought of her

9)Plo Coon

10)Shaak Ti

11)Nym - You must have this guy

12)Porkins - The Fat Red 6 whos weight sends him crashing into the death star



15)Captain Panaka

16)Captain Typho

17)Dash Rendar

18)Mara-Jade Skywalker

19)Clone Trooper

20)Dark Trooper


Thats it.....


Those which i know are under production/Finished i havnt mentioned like




3)Darth Maul

4)Darth Vader

5)Mandalorin - Boba, Jango and the gang

6)Obi-Wan Ep1, Ep2

7)Qui Gon Jin

8)Mace Windu

9)Jawa - Which seriously needs to be put in JK2



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Jaffar(from stargate with helmet opening & closing anims would be cool or seperate),Goa'uld with glowing eyes(stargate must be same : D),jaffars weapon(stargate with anims or not replace bryar or e11 with sounds & new fire graphics).nothing else :) & the goa'uld hand device as light saber or eny other gun or in a mini mod as new weapon(like in stargate..kill people)

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Originally posted by RobKerwin

I have a few good non-star wars suggestions


1.James Bond

2.a Klingon


It would be sweet if sum1 made a phase 3 Dark Trooper from Dark Forces.


There already is a James Bond one.

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Originally posted by PAUL WEISS

Id like to see a Boba Fett/Jango Fett model, a Luke Skywalker/Bespin style with a more realistice face, the Skywalker saber from ANH and a IG-88. :deathstar:deathii::deathstar


If you want I can send you the Jango / Boba Fett Models...

Just give me your e-mail...


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1. Yoda:yoda:

2. Clonetrooper:clone:

3. Destroyer Droid:swear: (I think it's impossible)

4. R2D2:r2d23: (I think this ones impossible too)

5. Jar Jar Binks:jarjar:

6. Battle Droid:bdroid2:

7. Wookiee:wookiee:

8. Padme Amidala:amidala:

9. Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber Hilt (ep1):swear:

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Leia ANH (full white dress)

Luke ESB (Bespin)

The Emperror w/ Full Robes (I love Dark DNA's version; add full robes and it's perfect)

"Ben" Kenobi ANH (w/Full Robes Hood Down & one with Hood Up)

Han and Luke in Stormtrooper Armor and no helmets

How about Anakin w/ a Mechanical Arm


Someone was looking for the best Han...

My favorite is Acro's. Right now, by far, he is my favorite Skinner.

Hats off to you!


Can't wait for the Wookiee (looks like best model, and even best skin job yet... gotta wait and see), and of course Yoda (fingers crossed)

Also Imperial Guard is coming along, and Leia/Boussh is almost finished. So many great Works In Progress (WIP took me a little while to figure that one out)

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I think it's obvious to say that all you people are not reading the previous posts before posting your own then being on your way. I asked a question earlier and from all the posts afterwards, not one person has made referrence to any other post on the forum. I'll ask once again so that all those that ARE willing to listen to the others then here it is:


"Where is the best place to go to get new JO models such as the Qui Gon and Han Solo ones?"


Also their is word of a Twi'Lek, where could I get that from aswell?

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1. Jacen Solo

2. Jaina Solo

3. Anakin Solo

4. Tenel Ka

5. Yoda (being worked on)

6. Kit Fisto ( ;) )

7. Han Solo

8. Padme (in all her different Costumes)

9. Leia (in all her different Costumes)

10. Mace Windu (a good one)

11. Mara Jade Skywalker

12. Kyp Dyrron

13. Aayla Secura


and for some saber blades

a green/blue one :) green replacing the white and blue normally... (have tried to get something into game can't ;'( )

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I know what you're saying. I, myself, always read all posts before posting. Anyway, I tried to answer your question... at least about Han.

I still don't have a Qui-Gon (haven't seen a good one), but for Han go to




Find the skin made by Acro. I haven't seen a better looking one yet. Good Luck.

Besides what do you think of some of my suggestions?



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Originally posted by Tomppa1988

1. Yoda:yoda:

2. Clonetrooper:clone:

3. Destroyer Droid:swear: (I think it's impossible)

4. R2D2:r2d23: (I think this ones impossible too)

5. Jar Jar Binks:jarjar:

6. Battle Droid:bdroid2:

7. Wookiee:wookiee:

8. Padme Amidala:amidala:

9. Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber Hilt (ep1):swear:


Wouldn't it be cool to see r2d2 with a lightsaber slaughterin' everybody?!?!?!?!?!!:r2d2:

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would some of you people PLEASE post a picture of who you are talking about!!!


alot of us dont really know every character in the kantina, or jedi council or every anime character ever invented.


i mean who is Shaak Ti anyawy? a basketball player? and Obi-Wan Kenobi? who is that guy anyway! (jk)


but seriously, if the character is not a mainstream (meaning people with lines or being specially introduced) star wars character, please post a picture with it.

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