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Full SDK?


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Does Raven officially have plans to ever release the full SDK?


If they haven't said one way or the other, is it standard practice for these games to release the full SDK?


Most of the really cool mods I'd like to see done are hampered by the fact this isn't out yet.

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It was nearly 2 months ago that the SDK should have been released soon.

I know, sometimes I am a little impatient, but every day I am looking for the SDK, and every day I get disappointed.

I like JK2, but I always buy games because I want to edit them. That does not mean that I am unhappy that I bought it. :D

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Originally posted by Garik Loran

It was nearly 2 months ago that the SDK should have been released soon.

I know, sometimes I am a little impatient, but every day I am looking for the SDK, and every day I get disappointed.

I like JK2, but I always buy games because I want to edit them. That does not mean that I am unhappy that I bought it. :D

Yeah i m like you !

I ve been waiting for the sdk since the day i bought this game : 29 march (i remember it because it was my birthday ...)

the day when it went out !

i m going to mail the head programmer again ....

I can t wait anymore ...

but we don t have the choice ...

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well actually only the GDK is out :

the gdk contains all the tools to create maps , models , skins ....


so you can modify the apparence of the games but the

SDK contains the source of the game .

The source is the code of the game !

Actually all 'mods' which are out are not mods they are just additions or replacement for already existing aspect of the game!


A real mod is when you modify the code to load your models and animations ...

you can modify everything the rules of the game, the net code new weapons (and not new weapon models !)

you can change and add force powers .......


So in fact there won t be ANY GOOD mod (or REAL mod) until the sdk is out that s why many programmers like me are waiting for the sdk release !


I hope i answered to your question .

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Wow that sounds cool. Adding more weapons and force would be awesome. I read up on some stuff on force moves and some of the stuff in there would be cool. Like Force Death(bit extreme for MP but who cares), Hover, Warp Matter, Null Gravity, etc. Plus then Jango could have his guns without over-riding other ones

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Unfortunatly we're all at Lucas Arts mercy. They seem to be taking their time with it


I'm trying to remember was a source code released for the origional JK? I remember beta testing a TC. (I think it was cald Mandalorian) kind of a ctf style with Jet Packs and some new weapons, was a really cool concept

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Yeah, I know I thought I'd be able to get it out after the movie and it's a

week later now, but I still stick to my original idea to get it out by the

end of the month.


I didn't release it last week because there were some questions about which

version of code to release. 1.02, 1.03 or 1.03a (as yet unreleased with

recent fixes). 1.03a is the easiest to release but I don't want to cause any

more grief or confusion.




-----Original Message-----

From: mbalch@free.fr [mailto:mbalch@free.fr]

Sent: Friday, May 24, 2002 12:49 PM

To: Monroe, James

Subject: RE: SDK question plz answer ...(i'm sorry to annoy you but...)




Ok last time i mailed you you answered me in may after the Episode 2 !


Well i saw it two times now and i m wondering where is this damn sdk ?


i m pretty sure it s coming soon and you re working on it but a confirmation


would be cool ...


thanx about everything and the 1.03 patch is great !

It sure have made saber fighting more exciting !



I think we can expect it soon.

(i really hope so)

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Oh, without a doubt. I mean look at the game that practically started it all... Half-Life. Been out since 1998 and people are still doing mods for it. I personally even know the founder of the HL mod 'Immediate Action'.

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Raven did not release a singleplayer SDK for Elite Force.


Note that the Soldier of Fortune 2 SDK is out already, and this includes the game tools *and* the multiplayer SDK.


Nothing "for sure" has been stated about the possibility of a singleplayer SDK for JK2, but it looks slim. I suppose we'll be stuck with icarus2, which is nice but not nearly flexible enough.

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Originally posted by Toonces

Unfortunatly we're all at Lucas Arts mercy. They seem to be taking their time with it


I'm trying to remember was a source code released for the origional JK? I remember beta testing a TC. (I think it was cald Mandalorian) kind of a ctf style with Jet Packs and some new weapons, was a really cool concept


No, the source code was never released for JK1, however, you could pretty much edit anything in JK1 with the game files. Pretty much the only games that get their source released are those based upon the Q3 engine. Most other games have a scripting language. JKO's supposed to have a scripting language, but we have no documentation to work with it.


You're probably thinking of ManoWar. It went through two versions, I think, and was developed by JKMag (the BFP people).

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