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whats your favorite move to a knocked down opponent?


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When you have knocked down an opponent, either by kick or push/pull, what is your favorite move to kill/attack him?


Now, at first this seems to be a n00b question, but there are several things to be taken in consideration. :rolleyes:


The most obvious answer is "blue stance backstab" or "medium stance backsweep" or "heavy stance backsweep".


Well, a lot of people consider this tactic as "lame". I've even talked to people who answered the above question with "well, I let him get up again, cause thats the honorable thing to do". :confused:


However, are there maybe other moves that you do, maybe if you dont have the time to do a backstab? Or because you don't want to be called "lame", you use another move than backstab?Don't mind getting into the basics of saber combat here, which move serves you best? Rather a downward chop? Or a sweep?


To be honest with you, my dear community fellows, I am having some trouble with this issue. Whenever I knock someone down, I run up to him and try to whack him. I rarely can take as much advatage out of this situation as I want to. Sometimes my opponent even blocks my swing while getting up and I wasn't able to hit him at all while he was lying down! Or I run into him performing a heavy stance sweep and he gets up and hits ME because I'm right in the middle of the swing, thus not able to block.


So what I am really looking for is:

- give me a hint about successfully performing a push/backstab combo. Do the different knock-down tactics (push, pull, kick) work the same with each backstab move (blue, red, yellow)?

BTW: I promised, once I've learned it, not to spam the move :D

- other effective ways to hit a knocked down person, maybe no 1-hit kill, but some nice damage

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I stay away from the back-attacks, myself.


Fav move in this scenario is dropping a Strong DFA on 'em.....:D :D


Second fav is a Light mid-air forward-lunge...that one usually leaves 'em speechless.....:)

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I used to let them get up, as I thought back stabs were cheap. Now that I realize there is a counter to it, I'll do that all day. If they can't counter it (protect), then they shouldn't be fighting me.


I honestly don't spam as much as that might have sounded, but spammers are probably the easiest to beat cause they are so predictable (so it isn't a bad thing IMHO).

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but spammers are probably the easiest to beat cause they are so predictable (so it isn't a bad thing IMHO).

Well, they may be predictable but it still sucks IMO. If a game is perfectly balanced, hey, then there's no problem with spamming.


I even don't care about backstab spammers in NF games, they are rather easy to avoid.


In Force games however, pull/backstab spammers ruin the fun. Yes, you can turn absorb on, yes you can trun protect on. If you are light side that is (I am). What about Dark side? Yes, you can drain them so they can't pull. You can turn on dark rage so the backstab doesn't kill you. But I think this is out of balance: it's extremely easy to use pull/backstab and much more difficult to counter. Isn't that a bit much of an effort? Having to use absorb ALL THE TIME to not get pulled down?


It's like: this n00b uses this anyone-can-do-it combo move and you have to be real quick in turning on protect just to not get killed in an instant! Then if you are lucky or very skilled, you can get up and avoid the next backstab coming right at you. Just to find yourself with an empty force pool (probably you've been caught mid-fight with your force pool already used down to say 60%, using protect maybe drains it completely). So you are a rather easy target, cause the n00b just turns around and pulls you down again.


That's just not balanced.


Ah well, I am not whining here, I manage well aggainst these guys. I also use the backstab moves once in a while, but without spamming them and with more tactics on my mind then just looking to hit a backstab. They are in the game to be used, but not exclusively.

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I'm surprised no one's mentioned the second most useful coup-de-grace:


(opponent on ground at medium distance) run forward in Strong Stance - forward+attack (hold), (wait until the strike connects), forward+jump (That goes into a DFA).


That'll hit once with the normal swing and once with the DFA. Generally a round-winner. I use this whenever I'm not close enough for a backsweep.

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The medium DFA works as well, especially if the other person is trying to do a jump to get up.


Medium stance.

With your opponent right in front of you hit attack+jump and you'll do an acrobatic mid-air move with a downward hack in the middle of the jump.


If they stay prone, it'll miss, but if like most people they are doing anything to get up quicker it'll usually connect for some good damage. You can turn the move mid-air as well, so that your follow through connects as well.


WARNING: There is a recovery time after this move where you are vulnerable.

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I'm surprised no one's mentioned the second most useful coup-de-grace:


(opponent on ground at medium distance) run forward in Strong Stance - forward+attack (hold), (wait until the strike connects), forward+jump (That goes into a DFA).


That'll hit once with the normal swing and once with the DFA. Generally a round-winner. I use this whenever I'm not close enough for a backsweep.

Now that sounds cool, I'll try that. I was looking for a move like that that covers the distance between me and my prone opponent, because running up to him and then trun and do a backstab doesn't feel right to me plus it is quite risky if your opponent is already getting up and you turn your back on him. (Not to speak of people whining about this tactic all the time).



The medium DFA works as well, especially if the other person is trying to do a jump to get up.

Actually I tried that but when your opponent is still lying on the ground it seems that the animation does not start. Instead I always did a jump over my opponent while doing an overhead chop in mid air. So I landed some (game) feet behind him with nothing gained. Duh.

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> run forward in Strong Stance - forward+attack

> (hold), (wait until the strike connects),

> forward+jump (That goes into a DFA).


Half the time you don't even need the DFA, if you hit the person squarely enough just the normal overhead chop will kill them. If they're already hurt your fudge factor increases.


DFA is nice insurance granted but limiting oneself to the overheap chop reduces your vulnerability because you can still move around, and if it's an FFA battle with lots of people running around that just might be a good idea.

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