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Ruined Heal - lightside Jedi useless?


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I developed a style of play I enjoyed: defensive-force lightside Jedi. I had two force powers: push and heal (speed if I had the points). Push was to get out of Grip, heal was... well, kind of self explanatory. This combination made me quite hard to kill, something which was compensated for by the lack of any offensive force powers. In a fight against a darkside Jedi wielding Lightning it was pretty evenly matched - I'd use about the same force healing as he would zapping me - a nice balance I thought. The real counter to Heal was Drain, but that was fine; I could live with that vulnerability.

Significantly, I hardly ever encountered any other light Jedi. They were very much in the minority.


In 1.03, this template is no longer viable. At all. Heal seems to give me about 10 points of health for half my force power. In a fight against a dark Jedi I have to use my entire force bar to heal one sabre-throw, or one blue swing. If he lands a biggish hit, and breaks out the lightning - I'm dead. Healing will give me an extra second, maybe two.


I dunno, maybe I'm just whinging over nothing. But it seems like there's no place for the lightside Jedi any more. And if healing was so overpowered that it needing removing (which is what has happened in effect), how come I hardly ever fought anyone else that used it?

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"I dunno, maybe I'm just whinging over nothing. But it seems like there's no place for the lightside Jedi any more. And if healing was so overpowered that it needing removing (which is what has happened in effect), how come I hardly ever fought anyone else that used it?"



LoL! You were indeed one of the "healing-whores" that people were complaining about. Trust me, there were a lot of them. Umm..a lot of both: complainers and "whores". Healing was overpowered, that is beyond any doubt. But did they nerf it too much? I don't know..perhaps a tad too much.


The patch made the light side MUCH stronger than it was before. I suggest you try out some of the other light-side powers *cough* absorb *cough* beside heal to find out what I'm talking about. In a full force duel the dark-siders are almost as good as dead when facing a light jedi. (Not one who uses only push and heal, though lol!)


But tough luck, dude, no more heal-whoring for you in 1.03 :D

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I never got the chance to play 1.02 for many days until 1.03 came out, but I at that time i thought it was pretty unbalanced...

But now it is as well...


This is purely my humble opinion, but i think they nerfed heal a bit too much, I mean healing slowly is good and all, but when they start nerfing things *so* bad that no one wants to use them then...


The same thing goes for drain: when I'm being "encouraged" to place my points into something more valuable *ahem* absorb *cough*, then it has got out of hand...


I almost never play on force servers because i think that the way force is used now is pathetic and lame: push and pull people down so u can backstab them, lightning them into oblivion (how creative! see how long you last!), and push/pull people down so u can throw your saber at them.


You should be able to use some force powers more creatively: e.g. gripping a person and throwing him into a wall or sending him reeling unto the floor with a flick of your wrist... Force *should* me so much creatively used, it should be so much more than simply "extra shields" or "extra guns to play with".


Oh, and one more thing: Do you remember the days of JK1 and JK2 single player? The time you could actually push and pull objects? Objects, as in health packs, that rifle your enemy is running after and so on? Why oh why did they leave this out of multiplayer? It worked fine in JK1....

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I agree to a point. There IS a lot of lightning out there, however I've found that having absorb "on" or active doesn't cost a lot of force points, and it allows me to wade through their lighting attacks and do a mean hack! I happen to like the fact that lightning is part of the game because it was part of the movies. (Seeing it used in Episode II reinforces that notion)! Of course, now I'd like to see the developers allow lightning to be absorbed into the light saber though... ;)


I actually hate the grip feature, as I can't tell you how many times I get caught up and thrown off a platform before I can push back against him! The only unbalance I see is the really COOL attacks (grip and lightning) belong to dark jedi, and light jedi don't seem to have an offensive counterpart. I know that fits in with the whole Karate Kid "karate for defense only!" concept, but it certainly lends a bit of a rudolph syndrome for all us who prefer the light side! (Not allowed to play in any dark reindeer games)...


NOW if we could just see a Yoda skin AND my favorite of the new Jedi, a Kit Fisto skin, I'd be even more ecstatic!


Once Yoda is done, then how about a 3PO skin, an artoo skin, AND a jawa skin! (That'd be funny).



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The problem, as I see it, is that you can simply turn on absorb, and then let the dark jedi hit you with everything he's got...


But I'm talking about the satisfaction of using this force thingie, I mean, sure it's fun to blast away with lightning and so on, but it's really just a different gun with a different kind of ammo. Give the dark jedi a BFG 10K and he'll use that instead. If it wasn't so killing to be knocked to the ground, i'd say the lightning should force the target to the ground the more he is subjected to the force i.e. knocked to the ground when he has taken enough lightning damage. Watch episode 2 and 6 for reference.


Then, the light jedi can simply turn on absorb and walk around with impunity to no end.


Yeah, grip can be annoying as hell, but it's one of the cooler dark powers (if not THE coolest), and it's not simply a "blast away" power like drain and lightning. Still, something should be done about it in some way.... Perhaps make it so you cant move around with the victim but only turn him and release.... I dunno....


Well, now that i think about it, I don't think I can ever be rid of "let rip" dark powers.... But i would still like them to be useful in more situations....


Forze for the peeple!!!

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i think heal should be dependent on a couple of things.


the most heal should take away from you is half your force bar.

with half your force bar you should be able to heal about 35 health points. If you have say 90 health and you use heal, it should only take a couple of bars away, this way the amount of force used depends on how much health you have.

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i know how you feel on this one

i used basically exacally what you did, but i used heal alot more, cos i just healed if i got gripped, but anyway, now it is useless, you can heal 25health points for half your force, thats a rip, as i see it absorb is the only usefull power for light now, and you really need that for all the people using lightning instead of saber

sometimes it really gets on my nerves, lightning, run, lightning, run, lightning, me dies


there are alot of REALLY annoying things in this new patch

next lan im going to, i'll make sure we play the original version and not this dodgey new version

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If you guys don't notice, dark side powers are more useless than the light side right now. I'm a light side user, and now a dark jedi can't touch me since i have absorb, LOL...you think lightside got nerfed? take a look at your adversary...Both were screwed, but dark was screwed more.

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