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Somebody's been cheatin!!


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Playing CTF tonight on a saber only v1.02 server there were 3 guys that were able to float around where ever they wanted and "stand" on the sky. I was chasin after one of them and he jumped up and kept jumping up till he was standing on the sky (for lack of better words), then he floated in a spiral pattern down to the ground. Their names were Obi-wan-pimp, TuPac, and Akuma something. Needless to say it totally ruined the fun of everything. To top it off all they did was spam DFA :mad: Anyone else ever seen this? Found my reason to download the new patch...if that even helps.

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I saw someone do this on some 3rd party map last night.


It sounded like he was repeatedly jumping (I was in spectate mode at the time, following him), and he slowly drifted down from a higher platform.


Thought it was some bug in the map, guess not heh.

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Okay I don't think I explained it right..cause I'm pretty positive it wasn't the lunge thing. I don't know the name of the map so I'm just gonna do my best to describe it.


It's the map with the 3 big courtyards. The red couryard that holds the flag...the blue couryard that holds the flag...then the big courtyard in between with the sentry gun in the middle (on non saber only servers).


It was done in the big couryard in the middle. You know how you can jump up on the ledges above the entry ways into the tunnels heading to the other courtyards? He would jump up on that ledge which is normal...but then he would keep jumping up all the way up to the top of the map where no one else could go. Like someone earlier said...looked like he was standing on an invisible platform up there. He was the only one that could get up there though.


I figured it was probably a normal thing that he figured out and no one else had...until he floated down. He just started floating...no lunge move or anything. Floated in a slow spiral pattern all the way to the other side of the courtyard. I've been playing this game a while and thought I'd seen everything..guess not hehe.

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Originally posted by Woodster2003

Its called the featherfall, and its quite fun once you get the hang of it. The problem is i forget about it when im playing ns_streets, and i jump like 20 stories instead of floating.


quite possibly do you mean instead of floating its falling? haha i use that all the time (crouch+forward+attack *blue stance*) i love it for great falls and its a crowd pleaser cause automatically people say "i'm" cheating, plus if done correctly you lose no hp or shlds, and it looks reall nice with the new released fett/mandalorian models, it makes them look like they are actually maing use of their jetpacks :D

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I don't think it was the g_gravity thing. It must have been the forwar crouch lunge thing I guess. The part I was most confused about was how he got up to "the invisible ledge" way up high. I couldn't get up that high no matter what. When he got on the ledge above the tunnel it looked like he sped up and jumped really quick about 4 or 5 times. I tried everything and couldn't duplicate it. I forgot to mention that everyone was complaining that those same people's sword attacks were doing too much damage too. I can't really confirm that but it would support the accusation of cheating hehe.

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You wall walk up the pillars. I found that the first day i was playing, pretty sure i was the first person.


Reason it works is cause you go up for a certain distance across, but there's a wall there so you never quit going up.


Reason you can 'stand on the sky' is cause its not really sky, its an untextured pillar that goes all the way up there but ends just before the ceiling.


In JK we called that 'roofing'. You can do similar things on all the levels except for garrison.


BTW, was that _WC_Akuma?




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It was one of the CTF maps, SDF. I'll keep checking back to see how your test went :)


I honestly don't think it was wall walking and in the middle courtyard I don't recall seeing any pillars? When he went up the wall...first he jumped on the ledge above the hallway...above that ledge the wall sort bends diagonally...he ran and jumped really fast diagonally up the wall. I really wish I coulda made some sort of short movie of him doing this cause I was standing right next to him when he did it hehe.


The guy's name wasn't W_C Akuma...it was something like Akuma'sRevenge....Akuma (yellow) Revenge (red).


If anyone finds out how to do this lemme know...I wouldn't use it like he did...he sat up there with the flag where no one could get him. I would just like to get up there once to take a neat screenshot! :D


Just edited to say thanks for trying to figure this out for me!

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err, pillars = the things jutting out of the wall. Its on yavin, its fairly easy to do. You just wall walk up the sides of them.


there's a big flat wall, then there are what looks like support pillars running up along the outside of it all the way to the top. Well the middle one on the red side is flagged as nodraw, so its really there but you can't see it. It doesn't extend all the way to the top, so you can wall walk up it and get on top of it.






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It's not really hard to do and I didn't think it was a cheat. I usually show people who ask me how I got up there how to do it.


I've only done it on the ctf_yavin map and , like a previous post mentioned, it does seem like you are walking on air but it really is just an untextured object that soemone can stand on.

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