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Guide To Sp And Mp Skin Conversion


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hi guys....

I am working on a SP skin mod but havent even made the first skin yet. I have made skins for other games such as Aliens versus Predator 2 and have only just made it to the JKII scene.

I came to this thread to try to learn how to make skins and i am trying to replace kyle with my own skin/model. Unfotunatly I followed all tutorials and still cannot get it working (including this one). My main trouble is making the mod work! Please help! Once I have made one skin there will be many more!!


I can get it working in Modviewer but cannot get it working in game!!! I dont like these tools...

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Hrm. When I do this, it results in the face skin getting jumbled across the model's face in the first cutscene, then when I go to the first level, the model is a wierd mixture of kyle and the skin -- like the program is still trying use kyle's model and having trouble getting the skin to work on it.


The only time this works for me is when I use one of the skins based on the kyle model.

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It works and heres how I did it:

I converted the Vader MP skin to a Vader SP skin. Extract the "models/players/vader" to any part of your hard drive (note: you can extract to a temp folder but you DO NOT add the temp folder to a winzip file later) Rename the "vader" folder to "kyle". Do the "vader" to "kyle" conversions in the model_default.skin and save the file back to model_default.skin (note: you change it from .skin to .txt to edit it and now are changing it back to a .skin file). Delete ALL the files in the "kyle" folder (which was once the "vader" folder) that are not in the model_default.skin. For example, the files with red or blue, and sp are not in the model_default.skin so delete them.

Now you have all the files like darklighter has told you to do.


Now RIGHT CLICK on the models folder and find the "Winzip: ADD TO ZIP FILE. . ." function. Add the models folder to a winzip file (note: close all winzip files that are already open before doing this) and create a file called models.zip. Now rename the file to vader.pk3 and your done.

***What did I already say*****************************

Put it in the base directory and play a new game.


In Windows XP: to change a .zip or .skin or .pk3 file to another type go into "folder options" and "unclick hide extensions for known file types".


Also, if I can convert MP skins to SP skins then a Ewok can ride a bike.

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Ok, I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. I'm trying to convert a Han Solo - Empire Strikes Back skin into SP.


Here's the Original File:











































And here is what I changed:









































If you noticed, while I renamed all the "lando" into Kyle, I left the name solo alone. Should I rename them kyle too?



And one more thing... should I rename the .jpg images? A couple of 'em says solo (for example, solo_face.jpg, solo_head.jpg, etc), so should I rename them kyle or just leave 'em alone? Thanks for any input you can give me. I'm very new at this. :)

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You shouldn't do anything to the 'solo' bit on the end of the lines. These relate to what thr file image is called, so renaming it to kyle will just make it worse.


I don't quite know what happened to my conversion. It might be that some skins work differently than others when doing this. Anyway, I'll try out some more conversions and get back.



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I have made a miraculous discovery!

In answer to one of the questions before, I have discovered how to replace stormtroopers in SP with clone troopers.


1. Find a method for you that works in converting MP skins so you can play as them in SP.


2. Whenever you need to replace the 'skinname' with 'kyle', don't. Replace it with 'stormtrooper' instead. This includes changing the name of the 'skinname' folder and the lines inside the .skin files.


I found that you need to .zip up the 'temp' folder and not the 'models' folder, but it may work differently with some skins.


HINT: If your game loads up with a slightly mangled face of different skins and a mixture of clothing, it means you haven't changed the model_default_skinname.skin file so it just says model_default.skin.


Also, if you are going to use skins in SP, you don't need the extra red and blue .skin files (you can delete them or move them to another folder).


Hope this helps!



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Thanks Darklighter. I got my replacement skin for kyle to work. :) Some skins react differently though. I tried replacing him with "Luke-A New Hope" skin, but apparently, when this is done, the Luke skin gets messed up. But I did get the Han Solo skin to work. I'm gonna eventually try replacing the stormtroopers. Thanks again. :)

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hahahahaha I got it working!!!


Heres a great link for a .pk3 file compressor!



And heres my Single Player Maul skin!!!!!


When close up, the face doesnt look so bad.


I havent published it yet cus I know there are many Maul skins out there, but this one does actually work in Single Player, unlike the otherone I downloaded.

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Hehe, I just replaced all of my stormtroopers with Clonetroopers, and as a test, I also replaced my Kyle with Han Solo - ESB skin to see if I'm able to use both skins at the same time. I'm happy to say, it was a success! Its pretty wild playing as Han and killing Clonetroopers. I can't wait until the Battle Droids skins are released. Doing this is pretty easy. :D



I'd like to replace more skins, unfortunately I don't know the name of some of 'em. Does anyone know the names of all of the default skins in JK2? Thanks again Darklighter! :)

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Originally posted by Angry Sandwich

Hehe, I just replaced all of my stormtroopers with Clonetroopers, and as a test, I also replaced my Kyle with Han Solo - ESB skin to see if I'm able to use both skins at the same time. I'm happy to say, it was a success! Its pretty wild playing as Han and killing Clonetroopers. I can't wait until the Battle Droids skins are released. Doing this is pretty easy. :D



I'd like to replace more skins, unfortunately I don't know the name of some of 'em. Does anyone know the names of all of the default skins in JK2? Thanks again Darklighter! :)


Extract this file in your "base" directory: "assets0.pk3"

You then have most of the textures, models, what not from JKII!

If you go into models/players, you will see all the character directorys. Does this help?

REMEMBER, dont delete the "assets0.pk3" file! Just use it to get most of the JKII textures.

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Originally posted by Darklighter

HINT: If your game loads up with a slightly mangled face of different skins and a mixture of clothing, it means you haven't changed the model_default_skinname.skin file so it just says model_default.skin.


Hrm, I appreciate all your advice, but I still get the mangled face / mangled player even though I rename all of it. I can get any skin based on the kyle model to work, but otherwise, it's the same old jumbled mess.


Has anyone been able to get Dark Forces Kyle, Corran Horn, or Ep. 2 Obi Wan to work with this? Is it possible my custom npcs.cfg file is mucking things up (used to set dismemberment to 100 and turn surfaces off on Jan)?

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yeah i got the al macdonald obi-wan kenobi from episode one skin and i converted it to sp also the skin of obi-wan kenobi from episode 2 by alphan jijua i converted that to !!!! and they work just fine bouth file's are in the jkii.net file base !!!


but iam waiting on the obi-wan kenobi model from vegeta2K1 it looks good so far !!!!


i hope its ready soon i would look great with the obi-wan saber !!!


take care and thanks again !!!


master obi-wan :ben:

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If anyone is interested (I know Mandalorian iTi will be) I have just got the Ultimate Maul skin working in SP to replace the Kyle skin.


If anyone would like the skin, just post here and I'll e-mail it to you.


Mandalorian iTi, the skin is on the way to you now!

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Originally posted by Darklighter

Did you make sure that the model_default_skinname.skin file was renamed to model_default.skin?


yeh I followed every step and it still comes out with Kyles head but Mace windu's skin ontop, look wierd

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Hmm, not sure what else there is to do. If there are any model_blue (MP team) skin files (or model_red), just delete them as they are not needed in SP.

Make sure everthing in the model_default file that has the 'skinname' folder is renamed to 'kyle'. Rename the actual folder that all the image/skin files are in from 'skinname' to 'kyle'.

If all else fails, put your save games somewhere safe and start a new game. The change in primary used textured skins might be confused with the new skin, so do that.


Sorry I can't offer anmore help. I will try to get this working myself. If you cannot get it working, post your e-mail, and if I can get it working I'll send it to you (unless you'd like to keep trying).





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