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Guide To Sp And Mp Skin Conversion


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If its any consolation, to speed up the process even more don't waste your time using winzip (i.e. suppose you want to update the .pk3 file) use pakscape, it will be easy to do the mods and u can also add, edit, view .pak, .pk3, and .zip files..... Just a penny for my thoughts...



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Hey Darklighter I have been gone for a while busy with School. Did you ever get the Absath Jan working correctly? or is it a problem with the model.GLM and not having a way to direct the surfaces off and on as desired when replacing Kyle in single player? As I have suspected for some time now. Just wondering:D

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Hey man! Welcome back:D I think that that skin is going to be pretty hard to get working now. All of the threads about it have been closed down and removed. I think the mods felt it was unsuitable material:( Oh well...


Meanwhile I found out something new about the SP/MP skin conversion. I don't know whether you checked back, but I have discovered that one part of the conversion process can be slightly changed if the SP skin won't work. I'll let you look...


Also the mods have deemed this thread unworthy of stickyness:( :( :( Its bad, I'm like mortified. But I have to respect their decisions I suppose:( I'll see you around!:)

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I am sorry to hear that, When MODS get too heavy handed it usually results in overall plain vanilla mediocrity for a forum, this thread is worthy of stickeness. Ill check my PM for the look you mentioned. Feel free to e-mail me at cronpa69@yahoo.com.


NAW don't gotta respect nothin "Pard" just gotta put up with them I reckon! (best cowboy impression) Arrgh!;)

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If you just scroll up the page you will see what i've found out. And yeah its bad about the non-sticky:( but hey, what can you do...


I'd really like to keep this thread alive so post here with requests, problems and questions about skin conversion and things related. I'd hate for it to slip onto the next page unnoticed:( so tell your friends about it, spread the word!:)



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There seems to be a huge problem with surf files actually. The 'naked jan skin' incident was an absolute nightmare. I think it has something to do with replacing the actual files inside the assests.pk3, but I'm not quite sure. I'll have another go with that skin and get back here:)

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.surf files don't affect the player character in SP, which causes big problems for Jan, because, in order to make her torso and part of her hips appear (not transparent), you have to actually turn surfaces ON (torso_augment, hips, etc..). Getting rid of some .surf controlled accessories like capes and feathers can usually be done though. For example, if you want to remove Aayla Secura's gun holsters, just rename the holster.jpgs to "cheese" or some other bogus name or path (I think one of the Twi'leks actually used this method).

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Originally posted by Darklighter


I'm sorry to say, but I haven't had much luck with models at the moment. There is also a huge problem with surf files, I don't know how to convert them...


Darklighter, are you saying that you can't get any player-made models to work in your SP game? I haven't had any trouble converting models into the SP game. I've managed to put Darth Maul, Blue Maul, Red Maul, Vader, Aayala Secure, etc. into my game. Its the same instructions as putting a player made skin in the game. I wanted to try putting Jar Jar in my game but I don't have a computer anymore (this is a friends PC). Its gonna be awhile before I'm back gaming. :(


... by the way, I too think this thread should be made a sticky. Its a relevant topic.

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Hey, listen, I have the models thing worked out now...its just cos they were a different thing to skins, I got a bit spooked...but its alright now. I think I have the whole model thing worked out...I just needed to alter a small part of the tutorial...those surf files are a nightmare though...:D

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so drjimmy, is there no way at all you can get surf files to work for the player character?? I've managed to fiddle with the npcs.cfg to get surfs workin for non player characters ie. naked jan,cough..but can't get it to work if you wanna use surfs for the model you're usin as kyle.

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Originally posted by Reb_Starblazer

So let me see if I got this right. As of now, we're unable to replace Jan in SP because of turning on and off surfaces? Spast! I was thinking of replacing Jan with one of those female Twi'leks(Yin or Aayla to precise).


Whoa.... you can replace npc Jan with whoever you want, and have full control of which of their surfaces are on/off by editing the npcs.cfg entry. If you want Jan as your SP player character, you can do that, but there's no way to turn off her vest and chaps without leaving a transparent void where her torso used to be.

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Thank God I've found you people! I've been battling with changing NPC Jan without being able to get rid of that damn vest surface. For example, I've even tried just painting a skin over the vest! But that looks odd! haha Where is the NPCs.cfg entry for Jan, and how do I manipulate it?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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What if instead of painting a skin, you replaced the surface? You could replace the vest with the torso image of the person you want to replace Jan with. It would put the image of the torso, over the torso, so you wouldn't really notice.


This is all just speculation and has probably been tried before. I just thought I'd try and help:)

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It's odd, I've been able to change the overall skin of jan to give her a different lookin SP, but in order to complete the change, I need the vest surface turned off, and it just doesn't wanna do it. From what some people say on this thread, it's not possible to switch off her vest surface. Simply pasting the torso skin onto the vest surface doesn't work at all! haha Damn game! Anyway, this has got me to thinking, that if I was to change Jan completely, and say turn her into Han Solo in SP, does that mean he'd have her vest too? hahaha Or is it some weird thing to do with her Model.glm file. Coz trying to surfon-surfoff her vest and torso_augment_off surfaces just doesn't wanna work.


I'm sure this can be done somehow, as I've heard people talk about the naked Jan thing! hahaha and surely she ain't wearing a vest in that skin! hahaha


How is all this achieved? Any R2 units out there to help me?

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make an npcs.cfg to pack with your model and put this line it it.


scale xxx


where xxx is a number from 1 to 100.


you can't make the model itself small unless you want to go through the HUGE task of creating a skeleton and animations for it.

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