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Push/Pull items in MP


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There is one more thing that needs to be done to JK2 gameplay; Pulling/pushing items in MP.


In JK1, pulling items was a major part of the game. JK1 FF was extremely fast and complex and a large part of this was item control. I pulled all the health, force boosts, and whatever if I needed it or not. It also made me faster since I could control more items better by pulling them from a distance rather then running over them. Timing shield and surges was also central to the game, and pull was important for item timing (items respawned faster if you pulled them). All games have item control, but JK1 pull brought it to a new level of complexity and importance.


Adding the pulling (and perhaps pushing) to items in JK2 MP would add another dimension to gameplay. It would further seperate JK2 from quake and make it more like JK1.


Another advantage would be for the saberists. If they were smart, they' d make sure to pull/push all the ammo and guns so the gunners couldn't get them.

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I agree.... I use sabre most the time and that would be a good addition. Just add the command so someone could turn it off or on per server. This way we would not be in the same boat like we are now with 1.03. These new additions should be made as options not forced down our throats. I still miss using grip :( oh well back to AvP2 till they fix this mess.

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I couldn't agree more.


Pushing and pulling items is fundamental for jedi in the movies and so it was for JK1.


You and your enemy are going for same health pack? Pull it before he gets it. Your enemy gunner is going for that repeater? Push it over the edge and into the endless abyss.


Raven has shown us that it could be done in singleplayer, it should be a small task to add that to multiplayer.


However, I have my doubts about the *mass* pulling/pushing. If you push your oponent and you have NO control over how many items you push along with him, everything might get a bit messed up.


And yeah, its a bit tricky to judge when you can actually pull someone's weapon from their hands. I wish they could add some sort of indicator like in JK1.

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Hmm... i've an idea. How about if you hold the Force Pull/Push key down it'll bring up an aimer (like in JK), then with that you can focus on one single object in the world, releaseing it pulls/pushes the object in the desired mannor. Tapping the key just does a massive, unfocused push/pull as it already does.


What do you think?


(i'm going to go post that in the Patch Thread :) )

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personally, i think its a bad idea. i am a big jk1 fan. i loved oasis ff.


but on a big map like the ones in jk2, pulling items would just be unbalancing it in favor of gunners more.


i think the item pull was taken out to give saberists a chance. i think it was a good idea

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Well i was thinking of it to be as it was in Myseries of the Sith, we had classes. If you were a jedi and you had a gun you could get it pulled from you, but not your saber. If you were a gunner you could only get sabers pulled away from you.


i agree that would make it really unfair, since lots of people would be abusing that.

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I think you should be able to push/pull DROPPED items only. No items that are at their spawn points. This is for balance because I think it would get all crazy if people could push and pull all items. And if you care about realism, I suppose the spawn points could have isalamari shiedling? (but who does care :)?)

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"but on a big map like the ones in jk2, pulling items would just be unbalancing it in favor of gunners more."


or would it? what if you made it so that the people using lightsabers could actually have a slight force output higher (less downtime between each force use). I mean if you could block pretty much all of their shots with force push and your lightsaber blocking, well you would run out of force, but they would run out of ammo and life after their shots hit them.... just a thought.

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handicapping one aspect of gameplay to balance out another is not a good idea, ie v1.03


raven did alot to balance the guns out in 1.02. it seemed like the second guessed themselves alot with the new version.


ammo power ups give ammo only, limited range repeater and flachette secondary fire, slow rockets w/ very very limited ammo, visible absorb.


these all more than adequately balance the game for saber users.

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Yeah, I think a couple of tweaks to push/pull could give a nice gameplay enhancement if done properly (not like 1.03).


For instance, I don't like very much the push/pull wars as they are right now on maps like CTF_Bespin or CTF_ns_streets. These small bursts of force push/pull that make people fall to the abyss should only be effective at a short range (something like 3-4 meters). If they are farther than that, you should have to stand still and "focus" on your target (maybe with the reticle?) and use a continuous push/pull that would do the trick, but no so quick (allowing your target a chance to counter the attack). As it is right now, a half decent force user can easily kill anyone with less than lvl 2 push/pull from a safe distance on such maps..


And about pulling weapons, exactly the same: a continuous pull would be much easier to use against gun users, especially on laggy connections, allowing a chance to pull guns from sneaky gunners running backwards away from you (which is frustrating at best). And I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to pull fallen objects.. it is plain absurd that after you manage to pull a weapon (that should be firmly held by a player) if it falls to the floor you can't pull it?? allowing the opponent many times to get it back..

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