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Upping normal saber damage would get rid of backswing spamming


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People are complaining about people over using backswing/backstab. Well, the knock down + backswing/backstab combo is about the ONLY thing I do. Why? Because the saber is nerfed so bad that the backswing is the only move worth using. The standard damage isn't good, and the blocking makes sabering take forever. It's a waste of time to use saber (expect with the knockdown + backswing combo) in CTF, FFA, or TDM.


I don't use it because I like it, I use it because it works. Now, if you would up the damage of the saber's normal attack to something along the lines of...


Red 100

Yellow 75

Blue 50


... then there would actually be a reason to use the normal saber swings and not the backstab/swing. This would make saber fights in guns enabled servers go faster so saberists wouldn't be such easy targets for gunners.



PS tone down the blocking also.

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That would be good, by why not forgo the MP system of damage altogether and make it like single player? I know most people enjoy the fights against the Reborn in single player a lot more than the drawn out nerfed saber fights of multi player..

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Yeah I loved SP reborn fighting, but in MP it's just not possible cuz: humans don't fight like reborn. :( Even if you'd change all MP settings so it'd copy the SP damaging and SP moves and SP speed, etc etc, it'd still not be the same.


I agree with Torment btw, Just make the game faster, it'd be more frenzic and much more fun. I don't care how they do it (you could: increasing red saberswingingspeeds, increasing damage, increasing running speed, whatever), but faster= more action, and more action= more fun.


And don't give me that: "but in the movie the saberfights lasted over 3 minutes yadayada, saberlock this, saberlock that".

This is NOT the movie, this is JK2 MP. And JK2 is an arcade action game. and Arcade action= fast, frenzic, exciting fun and tons of action.

Too much realism in an arcade game is bad! Just look at the difference in flight sims, some of em are just arcade, evrybody can fly those, it's fun.

And you have those hardcore, "read the 300 page manual before flying" flight sims. Now JK2 isn't supposed to be like that. You want a Jedi Simulator that's incredibly realistic to the movie's fighting: go create one.


We should step down from those "realistic" saberfights and concentrate on a way to combine a bit of realism and fun/action/arcade together. But the main focus should be on the fun/action/arcade part.

Just look at JK1: during saberfights people were swinging in the open air (due to the lag-thing), gunners weren't aiming at their opponent, they were aiming where they'd most "likely" be, people were going as fast as lightning, no realisme at all!! But a lot of people are still, to this very day, playing JK1 MP. Why: not because of it's amounts of realism, but because it's fast as hell, and it's hetic and frenzic and it has a LOT of action.


I don't care if Kyle suddenly turns up with lightsabers attached to his feet, if it's a real great succes and a lot of action and fun and everybody really loves it: let him fight with his feet. It's a game, everything should be focused on the fun part.

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I don't care if Kyle suddenly turns up with lightsabers attached to his feet,


That would be the shiznit. (can I say that here? ;) )


It's a game, everything should be focused on the fun part.


You know, thats probably the smartest thing I've heard anyone say here in a long time, aside from "GAY!" and various homosexual expletives. ;) (a joke, for the humor impaired)


But then again, people wont understand, as for the, victory is the only source of fun and entertainment. And anything that makes it difficult for them to attain this victory is a bad thing. Welcome to humanity. (and I'm not pointing at anyone in particular)



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