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I can't kill her!


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use lots of force speed and heal. lead her into the tunnels under the landing platform so she can't move well and cut her up. a trick I like to use is force speed with force push. when you push her she will most likely block it at which point you can hit her while her defenses are down. other than that all you can do is hope:D. (speaking from experience, bowing to the bad guys is a bad idea):D:p;)

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the only attack i have is throwing the damn saber and when i do it hits the ground instead of coming back to me...she uses all the forces against me and she blocks all of mine.....please any better advice...been at this for a long long time

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Force push her when she is jumping or just landing... keep force pushing her and she will eventually fall down. Time it right and you can throw your lightsaber and hurt her when she is down.


You will have to be careful to have some force energy left to throw your lightsaber after you push her.


Also stay away from her... don't mix it up. I only beat her once toe-to-toe and that was an accident I'm sure.


Hope that helps. She's hard to figure out... I had to fight her A LOT before I got the hang of it.




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In my experience (OK, all of 2 times I have faced her! ;-)), she seems to not be able to handle a DIAGONAL slash attack (i.e. FORWARD + LEFT/RIGHT + PRIMARY ATTACK). I went toe-to-toe with her using this type of slash, and it worked well for me!

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FDL3 summed it up.


I love to fight the jedi's that are challenging. I quick saved it before I faced her and faught her about 20 times in a row.


I died here and there, but over all I killed her more than I died. Use speed, it's the most important thing. From there use a lot of diag attacks (back + left/right or forward + left/right).


When you are attacking her try to make sure you keep your curser red (meaning targeted on her). Other wise you are just swining at the air.


Another tip is to try and stay ahead of her with your curser. Swing where you think she is going to be.


I hope that helps. I do not use the force much when fighting another Jedi in the game. I love to battle it out with sabers.


If you really want some practice with sabers you should set up some multi player games and play by yourself. Just play against 15 computer controled characters. If you can win a few rounds there: you will destroy desann's padawan.

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as far as i can see i don't have any saber attacks yet other than throw...when i left click it changes weapons and when i right click no matter what else i press it throws...i have played mulitplayer a bunch so i know how it works..what am I missing..am i supposed to have saber attacks at this point?

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Originally posted by Aziraphale

Also, if Chastan really did "Kill" her from a force push, how could he/she have then talked to her, and got her to talk about Jan, and therefore carried on the game?


Sorry I didn't mean I killed her outright I just meant hurt her enough to get to the cutscene.


She was just really high in the air and I pushed her from below so she fell extra far. It was enough to make her scream and when she hit the ground it started the cutscene.


This was pre-patch though, don't know if it would make a difference.

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Originally posted by Sister3

what do you mean set up right? I haven't touched them so i don't know what they should be...Please Help...Been doing this for days


In the game menu pres the controls nnext to load and save/new there you have to put your alt atack on the other butun (ALT) and noirmal atack on the left mouse buton. I have primary atack on the left button, alt atack on the right butn and jump on the spacebar.

I hope you understood.



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