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Kaiburr Saga MOD! Its awsome!


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everytime some ppl get all together to make this almost impossible task they usually put it off for a while then just give up. So don't get your hopes up. By the way look at the latest news on their site



We are going to hold off doing any work until after summer due to communication difficulties. Afterwords, we will resume. Have a great summer everyone!




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Dont worry about it, im a new recruit to the kaiburr saga team, yea some are leaving, but they are the crap members, the better ones are staying, and then eventually, there will only be the best ones left, then everything will pull together, also about the hibernation, its not exact hibernation, the members going on holidays are in hibernation, i for one will be working through this period, and so will the few members of the team that ive talked to, from my POV, this looks like a very possable mod, im sure there's been a more abitious mod than this pulled off on quake, so dont give up on us just yet

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Savi

oh yes i know that but they way they made it sound was you cannot make the anamtion with out softimage, thast what im wondring


until you can create a gla file with any other program you have to use softimage.

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Originally posted by Savi

Ok I am just wondring why would any one have to use SoftImage? yes they used it to make the game, couldunt you use Maya, 3ds Max (yea there expisive to) or even G-Max (free Download, made for gamers by makers of 3ds Max) or even some of the other 3d prgrams. then you might say the file name

there are ways to change file names and make them work


Im just wondring, im new to JK 2.


and with the code, any one can hack teh code and make it work for them, just nee dtime and some what smart.


Softimage is also way more expensive than 3ds max/maya.

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Originally posted by DigiTaL|FiRe

Dont worry about it, im a new recruit to the kaiburr saga team, yea some are leaving, but they are the crap members, the better ones are staying, and then eventually, there will only be the best ones left, then everything will pull together, also about the hibernation, its not exact hibernation, the members going on holidays are in hibernation, i for one will be working through this period, and so will the few members of the team that ive talked to, from my POV, this looks like a very possable mod, im sure there's been a more abitious mod than this pulled off on quake, so dont give up on us just yet


Possible? Sure it is. Do you have a team dedicated to making two entirely new saber combat systems and creating literally hundreds of animations that have the same quality as the motion captured ones from JO? Do you have someone who is willing to pay for Softimage? Answer: Absolutly not.


Softimage isn't just like Photoshop that you can download off the net. It's got piracy protection like no other software, you won't find it bootleg. Why am I bringing this up? Because I know that no one is willing to spend thousands of dollars just for a JO mod.



Don't get me wrong, I think it would be a cool mod to have. But lets be realistic here folks, this is never going to happen.

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I'm afraid KS is very much dead. I was the Lead coder on the mod but it was being managed very badly and when all the talent from the team left I had to say goodbye also.


But all the talent that has left have teamed up together to form a new jedi specific mod, so watch this space (or another thread!).

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Just a suggestion, why dont you guys stop bitching about how its not possible... stay on your lazy ass, but get your lazy eyes off the forums and into the code, into 3dsmax into softimage if you got it... and start working. Yah know this shouldn't be about teams, we should all be working together. We all want the same thing, a great mod that will overrun all others that we all can play, kinda like CS for halflife. There is no way in hell that we will get this though if everyone keeps saying **** is impossible, this JK2 community is very smart and if we ALL pull together we can achieve things no one thought was possible.



Ok pep talk over back to staring at code until something pops into my head.

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Originally posted by Cuda1

Just a suggestion, why dont you guys stop bitching about how its not possible... stay on your lazy ass, but get your lazy eyes off the forums and into the code, into 3dsmax into softimage if you got it... and start working. Yah know this shouldn't be about teams, we should all be working together. We all want the same thing, a great mod that will overrun all others that we all can play, kinda like CS for halflife. There is no way in hell that we will get this though if everyone keeps saying **** is impossible, this JK2 community is very smart and if we ALL pull together we can achieve things no one thought was possible.



Ok pep talk over back to staring at code until something pops into my head.


Animating with SoftImage is no easy task. SoftImage is what was used to animate all characters in EP1 and EP2, including the crazy Yoda animations in EP2. That's just an idea of how complex it is.


Besides, I have my own project, I don't want to work on this one.

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