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I want my KICK back!


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I play in Aus using a 56k connection. I play mainly duel to minimise the impact of the slower connection speed.


I will admit that the 1.03 patch really hurt me and it is taking a while to adapt, but I am getting there.


I can live with most changes except for the too powerful backstab and having to hit jump twice to kick.


I will leave the backstab as that has already been discussed at great length and looks like being addressed by Raven.


But kick! to modem players it puts us at a severe disadvantage to anyone with cable or ADSL. Not only do I have virtually no chance of getting one in against an opponent they are able to kick me with relative ease. I used kick quite alot pre patch and it formed an important part of my arsenal of techniques. Now, if i'm lucky, I will pull a couple of side kicks. They are not a real alternative as it is hard to see people to the side of you and judge your kicks and if you do pull it off you a not in position for the killing blow.


Modem users have always been at a disadvantage, I mean how often do you see the leader of any one game who has a ping in excess of 200? But with a little creative play I have always manage to do ok. But this kick change is really hurting.


What I can't understand is why the change was made. I visit the forums regularly and I didn't notice any complaints about kick pre patch, so why change it?


I would like Raven to review this and change kick back to how it was pre patch.



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I think it was made because people complained about not being able to jump up on top of the little boxes without flip kicking. Could be wrong though.


I didn't really like it at first either, but after you get it down you will realize it is much more effective than before. In v1.02 you were limited to "run up and kick".

Now you can hop into the air, and kick off your airborne opponent.

Maybe it was like that in v1.02. Maybe not. I never saw anyone do it if it was.


As for your connection, not much I can say other than I have been there and I know how frustrating it can be when you ability is compromised by your hardware.

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I don't get it...


I have a cable connection, and I regularly play on servers in EF and JK2 that are over seas, where I have a ping of ~200. It's entirely playable for me... Anyone want to explain this?


Also, I play with a guy who seems to be constantly lagging out, and he's killed me more than once just by kicking. :D

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its very much possible for a 56k player to rule a server, its all about tactics, if you cant do a certain tactic on the broadband users then you have to adapt to the situation and figure out a better way to kill your opponents, practice your timing perhaps? if using weapons other then the sabre how about shooting ahead of their path? thats usually a tactic used with a broadband user or more so a lan, its really vital.... about the jump i can land them pretty well, of course not at all times but i can get someone kicked :D while still retaining on my 56k *unfortunatly*


all i can say is try to ease up on yourself and learn new ways to get to the others, dont worry im sure youll do okay


it doesnt matter if your 56k or bb its all about skills and tactics, but when it all comes down to it bb is much preffered and that would be so much better for a fight and a lot more reasonable, no more lag deaths!!!!!!!!! or miscalculations!

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Actually, if not for the new way of kicking, I never would have developed the kicking styles I have now. I rarely ever do a forward kick...but now I do mostly side kicks. If you do it to the side, you still only have to hit the button once. Also I've found that people rarely expect it from the side. :D

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hehe... any body thought about a mod for a back kick? thye one i have in mind would go like this "think med/heavy back spin, but with out saber. you'd come around and... um 'drop-kick' a 'football' (yeah thats it;)) kinda move... cept they get in the way abit... and your foot aims for.... well you do the math:D


perhaps a cup pickup could be added(slurpie cup that is...;) for when you need a chill:D)



comments? :D :D

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Hey, that'd be a good replacement for the backslash/stab. Make it an extra strong kick that also tends to knock them down. Between the damage and the knockdown, I'd say it'd be a fairly useful move...yet not overpowered. Though, it'd be better for it to be a straight reverse kick.

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im on a dsl and there have been a few times where i was dueling someone and i was kicked out of nowhere, it seemed like he kicked me from far away.




kicking is cheap crap anyways. all you see now are those fat aliens goin around kicking people over and over for more then half their life. one guy kicked me for the full life and i died in 1 hit.

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Only time I get schooled by a kicker is when they have it as a scripted/bound key thing.


If you have kick bound somehow, it doesn't bother me, unless you spam it or something. Seriously... I got housed one night by a kicker using a script. I only realised that was how it was done when after I asked him how he managed to kick me 6 times in a row no matter how I timed my own kicks.


He told me he had it scripted (or was it bound), anyway it sucked... He basically followed me around the server for the rest of the time I stayed kicking me endlessly. sure I stopped trying to kick him back and just sabered him to death a lot of times... but talk about lame...


At least before there was no script to give you an advantage like that when it came to kicking. you would still have to hit your kick key or whatever right? but now, to have an advantage your scripted kick will work like a 1.02 kick, and mine will be anormal 1.03 kick. Hmm lets see... I have fast reflexes, but can I out click the computer? I think not...


So at least in that respect I agree... bring back one click kicks... or do something to make it harder to script it.


to those who like scripts I'm not even gonna touch on how I feel about scripts either way. Agree or disagree I will just end up opening a whole big can of $hit colored worms... with sprinkles...



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sprinkles are good...


the 1.02 kick was easy enough to do, now that they've introduced the double click it's made duels more interesting...


i myself like the fact that it takes a double tap to kick someone, so now half the people who used to kick like mad are having a hard time and have to re-think their strategies


theres always sidekicks :p, great fun on streets!



um yeah, so thats just my 2 cents



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I used to dislike to new kicking method, but now I've got used to it I actually prefer it.


Yes it might be harder to use for 56k modem users (I have a cable conn), but Finding servers with a low ping and makuing sure nothing else is eating your bandwidth are things that should be explored first. The double tap to kick means that you can now chase people over wall-like obstactles without flipping off them instead.


any body thought about a mod for a back kick? thye one i have in mind would go like this "think med/heavy back spin, but with out saber


How about one where the animation begins by leaning forward and putting a foot out backwards (onto the opponents chest), then spins round and upwards, finishing with putting their other foot into the opponents face (sending them backwards and possibly knocking them over), and then you land. Since Yellow stance is meant to acrobatic, it might well make a nice alternative to the current "weaker" backswing that they have, though it may "cripple" the stance to those who want to retain a one-hit kill move. But It looks cool in MY head :>

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I think the move your talking about would be best done by a reverse rear roundhouse kick to the head, followed by a jumping roundhouse to the head as a follow up... forget the actual name of this kick in particular, but anyone who took tae Kwan Do will probably have a name or better way to describe what Iam talking about.


however for a back kick I wouldnt mind seeing just a simple darth maul style boot to the head move like he did to obi wan. Basically it sends em flying back, maybe does double kick damage? (might be a bad idea though unleess it hads a big drawback, since 36 points of damage regardless of shields might be a bit much and lead to assfighters using that as well as backstab/slash heheh)


but hell while we're on the subject lets make a chick avatar only move like the chick from Tenchu 1 and two. where she sorta jumps on your head and wraps her legs around you and snaps your neck like a twig with a little tiwsty move. Heheh I say if you gotta go, thats the way I would rather have it done to me :D:eek:

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Heh... There's nothing wrong w/ kicking. :)


I often end a fight by delivering a 'Swift kick to the head.' :D


It's cool looking, and humiliating for the other player at the same time! (j/k)


Sometimes I have kickfights w/ my friends too. :D It takes a real player to kill someone w/ out saber OR guns. :p

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Weird. I am on a cable connection and online play is smooth, but I cant get my player to kick at all, double or single tapping. Whats even more weird is I have never been kicked or even seen it done.


Wonder why that is? I have tried to excecute kicks and they just do not happen.



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yeah demangel you can really tell when someone has a kick script.. because they get kicks off somehow you dont even know and they do it every time without fail, it annoys me... i can dodge a backstab and a dfa.. but for some reason i guess because of lag and internet kicks ususally get me good.



and yes i have been killed in 1 hit by a kick, dunno how he did it but i had 100 health and 0 shields. maybe he used a script and hit me 2 times and it lagged.. but i doubt it, its not hard to hack this game.

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Good comments, a couple of things though....


I have always tried to minimise the impact of a 56k connection. I duel mainly, I pick servers that give me the lowest ping and I use fighting techniques and force techniques that dont disadvantage me. These things I have had to learn from the first. I know that while I continue to have a 56k conection I will have to deal with the disadvantage and thats ok. What I find annoying is that I feel this change has increased the disadvantage and for no real reason, other than it is a little easier to jump onto certain areas on some maps. Thats not what I call a fair trade off.


As for one reply that suggests I dodge and throw the sabre or use some other defensive technique, I do all these things and more. But, I am not complaining about kicking in it self but the fact that a change has been made that penalises modem users and gives us nothing in return.


And damnit all, I LIKE kick-flips.




"Thats not a saber, THIS is a sabre!"

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Good comments, a couple of things though....


I have always tried to minimise the impact of a 56k connection. I duel mainly, I pick servers that give me the lowest ping and I use fighting techniques and force techniques that dont disadvantage me. These things I have had to learn from the first. I know that while I continue to have a 56k conection I will have to deal with the disadvantage and thats ok. What I find annoying is that I feel this change has increased the disadvantage and for no real reason, other than it is a little easier to jump onto certain areas on some maps. Thats not what I call a fair trade off.


As for one reply that suggests I dodge and throw the sabre or use some other defensive technique, I do all these things and more. But, I am not complaining about kicking in it self but the fact that a change has been made that penalises modem users and gives us nothing in return.


And damnit all, I LIKE kick-flips.




"Thats not a saber, THIS is a sabre!"

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