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stupid question...how do I set my IP?


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I know this question is stupid, but I'm just starting out. I'm trying to run a non-dedicated server, but I don't know what to put in for IP. Does this change everytime I connect, or does it stay constant? How do I find out what it is? Thanks...

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I'm not a professional on this subject but I do know that if you connect using dial-up then your ISP assigns a different IP from its pool each time you connect (in most cases anyway).

Go to your start button click run then type in winipcfg to find out your IP address.

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Are you sure you typed it right? It should be in your windows folder. What Windows do you have? Perhaps its not included in some versions .

For the case you can't get it to work there's another way to find out your IP. Start JK2 , activate the console (shift +key left to 1) and enter showip .

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Why don't you go to the forum for dedicated server? People there have more experience on setting up a server. Also Windows XP and Windows 2000 don't have winipcfg, you can only use a DOS based program ipconfig.exe. You have to call the Command Prompt and type ipconfig on C:\> when the computer is online.

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I kind of have a question about that. everytime I sign online and run 'winipcfg', it's different everytime. If I run it offline, it's all 0's. What does that mean exactly? Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm a tad bit PC illiterate with stuff like that.

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All 0's means "I don't have an IP address". If it changes every time when you get online that means your ISP is assigning you a DHCP, or dynamic IP. It's supposed to change every time. :) If you want the same IP address every time you connect you can probably purchase a static IP from your ISP. Expect to pay alot for it though.

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