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CloneTrooper model thoughts?


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First off, Niblem your model is awsome, and looks great, shows your skills as a modeler. But, the CloneTroopers head is alittle off, its not angled enough on the sides, look at some of the movie screen shots and you'll see what I mean, the CT's Helm has the same kinda angle as Boba's/Jango's.

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Well yes its out, I sent it to Polycount and jediknightii.net so just keep checking for it to be listed.. There is currently a clonetrooper listed under newfile.. But it isnt mine, well its not even a model.. Its a stormtrooper skin. So dont get that confused with mine. I'll make a new topic with "Clonetrooper model released" with the link to the file when its posted. Thanks for being patient all, i appreciate all your support.. And when you download it, if you find any bugs while playing it, let me know. My e-mail addy is in the readme file.


Thanks again. (a clone pilot might be fun, im not sure what to do next) maybe when i get back from Italy i'll start a new project..

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I must say the model is amazing, but it needs a taunt. People who make skins and models, need to have taunts...the evil laugh (male) and the come on out here(for female) default taunts are really getting on my nerves (and also boring:o). so look on the internet and get a costum taunt!


Atleast you used the stormtrooper taunt and not the evil laugh.:)

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Originally posted by Klorel

i agree with altimira, you need a custom taunt. maybe use the one from the jango model, since it is his voice. or perhaps you could get a sound bite from the movie, but other than that, its amazing.


"Good guys wear white" - from Clone Campaigns


someone already suggested before

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Originally posted by Klorel

i agree with altimira, you need a custom taunt. maybe use the one from the jango model, since it is his voice. or perhaps you could get a sound bite from the movie, but other than that, its amazing.





"Good guys wear white" - from Clone Campaigns


someone already suggested before




If anyone has this sound byte and is willing to send it to me, i'll add it. niblemdeamos@yahoo.com

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Great response...the thing I have against "good guys wear white" is that not only would it get annoying fast (which isn't necessarily a bad thing for a taunt), but it is something a clone trooper would never say, regardless of whether the writer for the SWGB expansion wanted to be witty. Clone soldiers are all business, all the time, and if he's going to put all this detail into the model then he should complete the experience by giving appropriate sounds for the clone trooper. I'm sure there are plenty of people around here who would be glad to record a taunt if there is no better one in Clone Campaigns. "Stop in the name of the Republic!" "Halt, rebel scum!" That wouldn't be so hard. If you don't trust one person to do it right, decide on the line beforehand, post it on various boards for people to record, then pick the best one out of all the recordings that were made.


Now that you've gotten me thinking, since the clone commander and the clonetrooper are set up as different models, "good guys wear white" could be used for the clone commander and a different taunt could be used for the regular troopers.

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