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yeah good job on 1.03 raven...


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It's funny watching the newbie saberists complain when 1.03 seems to have been made specifically for them. So now sabering isnt as fun, gunning isnt as fun, and force isn't as fun. Yeah raven good job there, just keep following Tribes 2 and continue to edit the fun out of the game.

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they really did screw it up.. there is no timing now to sabering.. its who ever gets the most backstabs.. or runs around backwards the most.



i went into idiot mode to test a therory with another person.. we both ran up to each other and faced eachother. and held the attack button down. both of us should have been at least taking SOME damage.. but the way it is now.. we werent even getting hurt..


they really screwed up the game mechanics.. theres no point to saber fighting now.. theres no timing.. if you can catch a person with their back to you, you can hit them. but its far better to try to backstab them.

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I've been playing 1.02 a bit for the first time since after 1.03 was first released.


Let me say that 1.02 had it's problems, of the few it had most could've been easily fixed by mild variable changes, but this is insane!!!!


I'd say 1.02 had more "bigger" unbalances but 1.03 just plain sucks. (btw I never thought the strong style "finisher" was that bad)


Before I get into this too much I wanted to add that medium style is ruined. You hardly ever spin now and they seem to have taken away the cool looking spin move you did from a crouched position.

Sabers should not have been weakened at least not like this!


Absorb and most of the dark powers are lame. People don't need to use the force or their own skill as much now because absorb is working very well as a permenant shield rather than a quick jolt or precautionary tactic.

This alone is a severe penalty to most of the dark force powers yet they still get nerfed!!!


Don't get me wrong though, I think that drain needed a bit of tweaking but NOT LIKE THIS! (try using it and youll see what I mean)


Lighting was fine in 1.02.


Grip was fine as well. Haven't people ever heard of push/pull absorb and simply trying to resist being thrown into a pit???


I think drain against other dark siders should be specifically countered by either draining first or push/pull/grip quickly before or while drain is being cast.

If people using drain have suseptablility to push/pull/grip it will have more effective counters to it.

Furthermore with this system no 1 thing will always work seeing as if you push/pull/grip to soon it may just be resisted and then you will be drained or if you start draining someone you could be countered by those powers.


Now I know that drain is supposed to steal force power for health, so how could you counter this power with others? Well firstly speed/reaction/instinct is always a factor but more importantly I think drain should start off slower and drain force a bit slower to drain overall. This will give people a chance to use the counters I mentioned without anyone hopefully working all the time.

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I'm afraid that I disagree with most of the opinions here on saber combat in 1.03. Someone mentioned above that timing element has been taken out of saber combat. I really dont see how that is true. For example, a well time red stance attack can still do plenty of damage, even if its not the one hit kill it used to be. The new saber system relies more on footwork now. People have to learn mix up their own attacks to fake their opponents out. The new system also demands that people figure out ways to bypass their opponents' defensive arc by getting around them, or by learning the patterns of their attacks.


1.02 also depended on footwork and timing, but in a different way. In 1.02 most of the timing and footwork was centered on one's ability to manuever close to and away from their opponents in between swings. The reason for this is that the red stance attack was by far the most powerful move and it had the ability to crush an opponents defense. As a result, most saber fights degraded into two players doing little more than using the red stance attacks and moving in while they were about to attack, and then backing away as they recovered. I saw this over and over again on dueling servers. That is part of the reason why the saber system was changed.


Anyway, I think that the new saber system is much better than the old one overall. The obvious exception is the backstab/swipe moves. I'm not going to even bother dicussing these. Its obvious something needs to be done about these moves. Without considering these moves, everything I said above is pretty much valid.

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Does anyone think Ravens care's ...... Har,HAR HARDY Har Har...



There to busy Promting with a 25,000 in cash and prize's in a single player match against bots with Gateway to Care...



Not carring at all about Multi Play............


Snape the absorb, Pulling, backstabbing, 360 fool now... Just to piss people off about this new patch for Laughs........ Now they have something to whine about for sure...... Har har........


Maybe if they whine enuff a 1.04a patch will come out... LaF.......

Lets just make this game for kids with Nerf sabers that you can beat on each othere with for hours till you just get tired of playing........... Kid safe and mother aproved.........


Won't even get into the dismemberment that should be in the game play no matter what patch thats nerfed........



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Hey, why don't you start a dozen new threads {XG} Snape, you seem to have so much constructive criticism to share... It would be a terrible loss to waste it all away.


I especially love the "they got your money fools, why should they care anymore" attitude. Way the go Snape! Har Har! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Seems to only way to bring about change to this game is to piss people off........Make them Cry and whine to Raven...


So if it works and they make a new patch that's a good thing......

What else can you do but Laff.... Nothing said here or on the last 3 page's has not been said before in many post after the first Three days this patch came out..



Has anything been done....




Just trying a different spinn on old Text..........


But Trust No more Raven Games for me.........



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Raven reminds me a lot of Blizzard...

"Look! the new patch is out! YEAH!"


20 mins later


"... well, waiting on the next patch now..."


if Raven can stick to its games the way Blizz does, then maybe after a few patches, the balance will be alot more fun (cuz thats what its all about in the end right?)


oh, and with regards to the new saber system:


The easy guide to becoming a saber master:

1. Activate lightsaber

2. Find opponent

3. IMMEDIATLEY turn your back to him

4. start pressing back+attack as fast as you can.

5.after opponenent has died, return to step 2.


... the guide needs a little editing, but it should be able to help newbies figure out how to fight with teh lightsaber in 1.03

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