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Making a bridge


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I was working on a duel map, but got bored of it. Instead, I'm going to work on a CTF map. I'd like to make it so that a player can chop a pillar and have it fall over to make a bridge. How? I've already mastered having a breakable pillar (it explodes into chunks) but I haven't figured the bridge part yet.


Also, while I'm at it, how do you get things to break with the force (i.e. f-push and f-pull?)


And is it possible to set up chunks of garbage that can be used to hit people with like in DF2:JK?

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Well, what you could do for the falling pillar is set up the pillar as a func_door. You can then give it the standard settings for a swinging door (see RTCW tutorials for tips). You can then set it to be force activated, allowing a force push to move the pillar into position. Set the wait time to stop it from moving back.


Don't know about the rest, sorry :)




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I never say never but it seems impossible. For a MultiPlayer map anyway. In SinglePlayer you can make some scripts but in Multiplayer - ????.


The only way you can attempt to do something like that is to create 2 pilars. One should be func_breakable (you have it already) and the other - func_usable (which is the same pilar only in the horizontal position). Set that func_usable to "startoff". Then target func_breakable at func_usable. Theoretically, when func_breakable is detroyed, func_usable will appear. BUT..BUT..there will be no animation of it actually falling.




You can make swinging doors in JK2? :eek: LOL. Didn't know that. :)

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That'll be pretty difficult concidering it requires a func_door_rotating entity which jk2 does not have.


The only way I could think of to do it is by using a func_train and a path_corner with the TURN TRAIN flag checked. Although I don't know if you would be able to make it go from verticle to horizontle with that or not =(


Worth a shot I guess.

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I dunno... you could instead have three pillars... one standing straight up, one being a func_rotating for the falling animation, and the other being the final horizontal pillar... then trigger them all together in a chain... I dunno, you might be able to rig it up.

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it's in the Path_corner entity properties. there's a flag for "turn train" which turns it to face the next path corner. the train kind of stalls while it turns, but it works.


It's in SP, I'm not sure if it's in MP or not. I've noticed several entities lose a few properties in MP.

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