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The most fun you can have with a storm trooper

Darth Webster

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If you haven't already, try this. You need a high level force pull and Jump to pull it off. In single player, take a running leap over a group of storm troopers and use force pull while you're over them. If you do it right they'll fly up into the air, past you, and come down with a sickening crunch! Much fun!

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u can do the same thing by force gripping them and jumping as you hold them (then let them go at the apex of your jump)...


you can also grip 'em, hold 'em at about 45 degrees, let go of grip and immediately use force push and that'll send 'em sailing...


also, try putting them thru the "glass" computer screens you see around... quite fun :D


there's no wrong way... to kill a stormtrooper :):p

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Heeheehee, I got another one!

Use the jump over the Trooper and pull trick to send a white clad victem sailing into the air. Now instead of just watching him fall to his demise, run under him and use Push to send him flying back up! See how many times you can toss that poor smoe before he makes impact with the ground!

This is a little tricky and takes some practice, but it's worth it! Ummm... maybe I'm demented, maybe I'm sick, I donno. What do you folks think?:D

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I suppose you must be sick. But then so am I - I thought of this:


If you think you're gonna drop him (not get under in time), then grab him with grip, swing him up and launch again! See how long he lasts! Post your best times here!

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It's a crying shame NPC Spawn doesn't work in MP, I can just see a new duel type occuring - Stormtrooper Tennis! Complete with specialised maps (including nets/walls to throw them over) First one to kill the "ball" is a loser!

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If you don't want a ball that shoots at you, you need to find a way to make a stormtrooper spawn without weapons (or would he in a saber only server? hmm...).


For longer lived balls you could spawn someone like Desaan or Jan, but I think a short lived one would be funnier. All we need is that crucial command. And a tennis court map. We could call it ffa_tennis. The Squash court could be ffa_squash. The reason for making them ffa is so we could use FFA/TFFA modes and play doubles!

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After watching a baseball game, I have a twisted idea. Stormtrooper baseball. You line up and have Stormtroopers crouching in front of you. Whoever sends the poor Trooper's head farthest wins.


Oh, wait, this is Force Powers, not sabers. Well, I like throwing Stormtroopers around with Force Grip and running them into stuff. I also like just throwing them through open areas with Force Grip. I think I got a Stormtrooper to stay airborne for three seconds before gravity betrayed him. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH—*crunch*"


What's really fun is to spawn a zillion or so Troopers and then find some way to kill them all in one fell swoop. The coating of E-11 blasters on the floor is all worth it.


Who says the Force is for defense only?

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in single player npc spawn howler spawns a stormie with no weapon, he just runs around like a chicken with his head cut off. and npc spawn test spawns a stormie with a gun but he is an ally for some reason and he doesn't move or anything. i love spawning a bunch of howler's in the ladder level and watchin em run, i chase em with my saber out and just let em run into the blade with realisticcombat on :)

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One of these days I'll have to post the screenshot I took of "Kyle's Weapon Shoppe", which I took shortly after the stormtrooper/reborn fight in the cairn bay. I discovered that if you pulled a weapon towards you while standing next to a wall (and you had full ammo of that type), the weapon stuck to the wall behind you. I then collected all the guns in the room I could find. I was really bored that day :>

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One of my favorites is with grip. With this you can kill all the non-mechanical enemies in the game except Desann.


Need level 3 grip and level 3 push.

Hit grip, then instantly, look straight up, release grip, hit push.


With the proper timing you can launch any enemy several stories in the air. You may have to try two or three times on advanced jedi like reborn bosses and shadow troopers, but success is guaranteed. Also with a slight modification, catapaulting can be done for distance.


I've actually managed to beat the ladder, except for desann, using only this move.



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Oooooooh...... I got a new one!! You can almost put a stormtrooper into orbit with this one!

You need lot's of room to pull this off and L3 force powers.

Grab a Trooper with level 3 grip, activate force speed, run like hell in a straight line then release that slob and hit him with Push!!! Watch how far he flies!!!

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Haha! I love it :>


It's a shame that while in SP the npcs keep their momentum, but not in MP - I do wish you could hammer people into walls or fling them up and have them fly upwards (without push).

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