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Darth Maul FINISHED!


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EDIT/ OK, I'll try to remember to post the lateste pics here along with new posts.


Limited Space On BoomSpeed, but I'm able to post pics so watch for deleted links.








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Sorry I kinda worded it funny....


I am doing the drapery for sure, but I'm trying to decide on what method to use.


I could drag it out as I did with Lady Brean, but I think if I make it solid it will look better and I wont' have to worry about clipping.


I have THPS3, but if you got screenies, post em'.


What I'd really like is some of the original sketches.


I have the ART of EP1 somewhre, but I can't seem to find it right now.

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looks good, just work on the boots a bit more and please, please!!!! don't make his ass too big, that's the problem on that female sith and aura models, god!! because of that I hate them both, it makes the character look so unbalanced and weird :bdroid2: (doing his saber as a custom addon ??)

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Thanks All!


I'll be doing a bit of work on it later today.


The feet are on the list of things to fix. What you see here is a bit over a day's work, so there's lots to do yet...


Remark: No I will not be giving him a womans booty...


AK: no facial bones. Sorry, but I can use those polys elsewhere and JK2 is hard enough to get a model in as it is.


Leagle: working on all of that still.


Also, don't expect a Maul saber. If someone else wants to do it thats cool, but the length of the hilt would probably clip into the Player Models.


I'll update the pics later tonight or tomorrow.

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Bloodriot and I were in the process of doing Maul, as we had been mentioning for a couple of weeks now, but we've decided to scratch it. There's no point in putting our time into doing the same thing as someone else.


I would like to note, though, that it looks like you used the head from your Lady Sith model, and thus Maul looks too feminine. His cheekbones are too wide, the face looks too round. You might want to adjust it a tad, as Ray Parks has a thin, long face.


Glad to see that you are doing Maul. You guys would be my second choice to put him out (Behind us of course ;) ). and also that its not another female, because previously you had chosen possibly the two ugliest females to model =P (Not ugly models...just ugly characters hehe)


otherwise its looking great. good luck ;)




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Big Pic. Front and Back.


No time to really model today, but I did a bit of propotion work.


Darkhold X: Thanks for the pics...


Abs: Sorry, haven't had the patience to read through the entire Boba Thread... But I've been throwing around the Idea of doing Maul for some time now, and was tinkering around in MAX and it went pretty well, so I decided to do him up.


The head isn't Lady Brenas, but the mouth is to be changed. I'm throwing around Ideas on how to pose it still. The cheeks need to come in on the side of the lips, but Mauls Head isn't a very strong one. It's the Tatts that make him so menacing.


Still, there's lots of adjusting and details to add, but I won't get around to it till tomorrow. OFF to LAN tonight...

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Originally posted by CheshireKat

AK: no facial bones. Sorry, but I can use those polys elsewhere and JK2 is hard enough to get a model in as it is.


Cheers for the feedback... I'm not necessarily talking your model here (just player models in general), but it is easy enough to modify a model after initial release with facial bones (and less detail elesewhere) to suit a SP level? EP editing is what I'm getting into for JO, and it'll be disappointing to learn that I'd have to resort to using only the game's default models.


By the way, I love the updated shots... can't wait to see him textured...

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Originally posted by remark 666

good....but even for the girl models, it was a bit too wide :biggs: I hope you get some time in the future to fix them :rolleyes: other then that both of the models released are really good :)


Actually the arses on both where fine. You really should look at a woman sometime. :rolleyes:

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