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Darth Maul FINISHED!


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personally, i think the red and blue skins should be released as separate characters, the red one reminds me too much of a clown or kiss or something. the blue one looks like an old man. i would have sticked with the maul facial tattoos. just making the blue skin's tattoos blue and maybe making the red ones a dark crimson or something like that. its just that the ctf skins really dont say "darth maul" to me at all.

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Well, I just don't see Maul as being on either side really. He's a damned Evil Sith, and a servant to Sidius. Running personal tasks for him and him alone. It seams apperant that he has some pesonal problems with teh Jedi, but Maul in CTF just doesn't seem right to me.


As far as clowns go, thats your opion, and your entitled to it, but I must disagree. The skins are exactly what I was looking for when I asked Kman and Arco to SKin for me.


SP version???? Well, I want to do one, but I don't know which one to do.... I really don't see him as a Hero, so for the main character, no. but I was thinking of putting him in as a Dassann Replacement..... Maybe..... Still lots of work to do so we'll see.

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its just that the ctf skins really dont say "darth maul" to me at all.


Maybe that's because they aren't Darth Maul, no? Personaly I "adore" them, and prefer them to darth maul! (mainly for originality, creativity and for a change!). Both CTF versions are beautifull and I doubt the authors will change as much as a strand of hair on them. I think you(the general lot of people) should be a little more open-minded.

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"Fear is my Ally" is his official taunt, and hopefully we'll get some growls done for some extra oomph!!!



That is the best line to use for the taunt. It makes more sense than the Revenge line would as a taunt. BtW no matter what others say the blue and red skins look absolutly amazing. so does the origional Maul skin.

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I love the red version! I think it's in kick ass sith fashion! 2 Thumbs up :thumbsup: :thumbsup: . Kman Don't pay too much attention to the useless complaints:barf:, you could have done this in 1000 different ways and still you would have received buckets of ****(always the same few, must be a genetic deficiency:rolleyess). So a toast to you and Arco for the awesome original skins. *chin*. :maul:;) long life and prosperity to you guys!

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Personally, i think the CTF Variants are absolute works of art in their own right, the red guys expression just dares you to laugh at his face, then pay the consequences, and the blue guy "shivers" well................ He scares me :p


As for Maul, in comparison "which is never fair" He's a teddy bear. We all know him, and have done so for a long time now, so the nastiness has almost been replaced with a familiarity that makes him wanted rather than hated.


As i said, merely my spin on things, but i seriously look forward to using this model and Skins in teh future.


Cheers Guys


Keep the faith

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The 'fear' line is a good idea for a taunt, after sifting through the VOLUMES OF DARTH MAUL DIALOG it must've been a tough call... ;)


But seriously, what about an animation taunt? Say that nifty little stick spin Parks got in in X-Men, perhaps? I know at the theater I saw it at it got it's own ovation (although not a long enough one to block Halle Berry(sp?)'s 'lightning line of lameness'.


Anywhoo... The taunt drama caught my eye, BUT THE MODELS/TEXTURES POPPED 'EM OUT. Damn fine work. If only I could do more than comic relief...



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*hooo-kepaaahhh* :vadar:

Really great model Ches, I find it PERFECT! :)


But why replacing Desann with him, when you can replace Tavion with him? I think that if you use your sound pack replacing her one, it would be really awesome. Desann saber style is cool, but it looks too strong and (kinda) slow. Tavion is fast and cunning, altrough using little force powers... but these are only suggestions :) .


I gotta say... THIS MODEL IS REALLY GONNA ROCK! *plays an electric guitar solo..*


*hooo-kepaaahhhh* :vadar:

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i'd prefer a silent maul. grunting and laughing is cool... but hearing the same lines over and over again is a bit boring...

(i hate luke's taunt but the reborn's taunt is cool)

hm i think "Fear is my ally" isn't that bad...

i'd say someone who isnt talking just causes more fear than someone who taunts with lines that are well known and have been repeated like 10000 times

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Originally posted by CheshireKat


Either Way, I'll release him by the end of the weekend for sure. LODs or no LODs....



Cheshire, might as well wait until you get the LOD's finished seeing as you put so much time in it already. Bloodriot and Absath didn't put the LODs in the Mandalorian pack and because of that I rarely play as them (in fact they aren't even installed at the moment) As for the taunt, I think its great, ive been using that line as my Sig for about 2 years at Massassi.




Fear...Fear Attracts the Fearful...

The Strong...The Weak...

The Innocent...The Corrupt..

Fear...Fear is my Ally...

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hey, i wasnt trying to be negative about it....just giving some feedback. i dont know, i have a thing with clowns, dont really like em much, saw the movie IT when i was too young i suppose =) i was under the impression that the ctf skins were maul, not separate characters so my bad i guess. didnt mean to sound negative about it. oh, about the taunt, I already have the "Fear Is My Ally" clip I used with a Maul skin I did a while back if you want it, never released the skin but the i can get u the wav file for it if u dont already have it. Itll save u the trouble of finding and editing it urself. the volume is just right and there is very little ambient noise in the background of it, u dont notice it ingame at all.

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Originally posted by Dark_One

What are LOD's and what do they do??


LODs are Levels Of Detail. You can make a model have 3 (?) different levels so that when/if people play at different resolutions, the model won't bog the computer down.

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yes .... :) kick ass model :D i love darth maul .. the best character in the whole movieseries .. and he has the coolest moves AND the coolest lightsaber(s) :D dark side all the way for me hehe .. great work .. but you are a bad man for letting us wait that long :D hehe


mo just take the time you need .. i love a slick model :D

and great skins too :D maybe they will use the blue **** in the new movie :D

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since you asked a few days ago for a darth maul saber hilt, the one Vent Gala created is now available on jediknightii.net

it is really fantastic and will make a great deal with your kick a$$ maul model!!!

i think everyone playing maul should have it!


(i'm not related in any kind to Vent Gala, his mod is just so good i had to make some commercials)

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I'm really beginning to think that Chesire is god :D . And yes, I did download the Maul saber hilt today and it totally rocks, But the only way it could be perfect is if it's in this Darth Maul's hands :D .

That Saber model was made for your perfect Maul, Chesire. I just can't wait till Friday :D !

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Just checking in, going to get the Maul Hilt now.


Friday? Hehe, I was hoping, but I'm gonna spend Friday finishing him up and Saturday Finishing sounds with a friend. Then I'll send him in. Sorry for the delay, but Real Life keeps happening. :(


All the sounds are picked out, it's just a matter of editing them. They will consist of "Fear is my ally" for the taunt, and alot of Growls and of course, "At last we will have revenge" will be in there somewhere.


Thanks for all the words of Joy all!!!

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