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Darth Maul FINISHED!


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I think the latin idea is GREAT. I will be using that good one darth matrix. Oh yeah my skin is pretty much 100% done. i am sending it off to cheshire for him to test and look at etc and once i have done just a few more things he is finished. RAWK! Best model yet me thinks. (untill yoda comes out....)



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These Models/Skins so rule. I mean the detail, the way they look. The red one loosk fine. I like the look really. Both the skins are just so great I can hardly wait, i think i'll go dream about playin with them now.


DarthDarth :lightning

:vadar: Evil will always win over good, because good is dumb.

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like someone else said, be patient. If you read the question i asked, Matrix said it will be released in a week. There may yet still be many screw ups in the skin such asx the lightsaber might be going through your body, ect.


Pro's and Con's:

The Maker of the skins,

About the red model, it is fairly good but the face just seems a little plain and kinda looks weird. It goes too much off the track of the darth maul character face.

As for the cloak, it is excellent. I love the detail you have put into both your model's, there brilliant.

The blue model is my favroute out of the 2. You should have the red model a little bit more like the blue models face, at the moment its too basic white. DO NOT get me wrong the white affect looks nice, but calm down with it.


With the Original Darth Maul, it is a WOA (work of art) i love it. I am telling you, DO NOT EDIT IT THE SLIGHTEST, it is a perfect skin and deserves everyone to know about it (trust me all my mates will know about this pack when it is done and up for download).


My Final Thought:

All over this will be a GREAT PACK with the combonation of the original Darth Maul, then you have your CTF Darth Mauls. Its like a Darth Maul frenzy. I suggest anyone who loves Darth Maul get this pack.

I rate this skin a 9 1/2 out of 10. Fix your Red CTF Darth Maul face up a bit, then you scored a BRILLIANT 10/10.



* * * * * * * * * 1/2 - NINE and a HALF out of TEN

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