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WIP - Anakin Skywalker

The Librarian

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Alright ..


I'll send the model to you Wei St Paliv. I'm a little desperate, I have little time to work on the model. The model is capped at the moment, the bones and tags are easily added in. The mesh, Ill send to you. It doesn't need to be tagged for you to unwrap it, I will do this later when the skinning etc is done... I will also add the braid and unwrap that, when I can find some time..


Thanks for your offer man, I was beginning to wonder whether I would go on with this ..


- The Librarian

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Librarian, I've been following this model sence you first posted you wip. Alot of people really want this model, I'm glad your still working on it!


And after you done with Anakin, I truly hope you deside to make more models, your work is awsome.

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Update on Skinning. The Model is being skinned as we speak.


I am going for Realism and Smoothness here. So it will look good against other models.


I have a great interest in Anakin and so I promise this model will be skinned as good as I can do it.


I will post some images of the Job as it comes together.

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Just before I officially sign off from this project I would like to show you what I did, I just colored the model a bit before I was about to start. I think you should take a look, with the colors, its starting to look really good.





Come on can someone skin this model instead of me?


I will do it only If I get sent the model with the textures files, for me to edit, then I will be able to do it. I just can't do the Unwrapping. So cna someone unwrap the model and send it to me to skin the texture files that are created.


Thank you.

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Tru_Weed you Truley are a LOSER aren't you? I mean posting fake WIPs is one thing, but impersonating Kman, a known and respected member, (by some anyway) is just low down dirty, and rotten. May you be struck by multiple bolts of lightning simultaneously, and numerous times!!! And may you burn in hell.





On to more important things, I hope this model doesn't die, and it looks like it might not, but the Terco Anakin model is looking mighty fine indeed.

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Hmm ...


Well .. I've pretty much had enough of this model ...


I don't have the time anymore... I needed a lot of help to finish it, and thanks to those who have offered to help me out - Elessil, Jason_W, Wei St Paliv, amongst the frequent visitors to this thread, ReIIik, Morpheus Doh and others. Sorry for those of you who were hanging out for an Anakin model.. The Appearance of the other Anakin model is a bonus, now I don't feel so bad for quitting this one...


I might finish it off one day, clean up the face, make it look more like Anakin and of course get it unwrapped. At the moment Im concentrating on getting an education ;)


Umm ... the face has not changed since I released those earlier shots with the photo skin on them. The nose is a little wierd I admit but who the hell cares when you never see the models that close in the game?? It looks a lot better with smoothing on of course... I'm a little better at modelling now than I was when I did that face and I really would like to re-do it one day when I have a bit of spare time on my hands..


Once again, I am really sorry to all those people who have been waiting for the model since day one, perhaps I shouldn't have put it up on the forums so early in production, oh well, that can't be changed..


If anyone does want to unwrap it, my email is w_allace@hotmail.com . I will see what I can do about getting the rest of the model done, but for now production is at an absolute dead stop.


Perhaps this thread should be closed. If there is any progress on the model I guess I can always open up a new one some time...


I for one am looking forward to the other Anakin model in production.. Lets hope that does a little better.


Hope that covers everything, Sorry Folks...



- The Librarian

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