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WIP - Anakin Skywalker

The Librarian

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Alright ... I've taken the plunge and put a shot of the face onto the image page ...


I've put a hash-job skin on it which is just from one of the photos Elessil gave me of Anakin .. The reason the eyes are looking at the camera is because I havent done much work in that area and the image file is skinned over a flat object placed just behind the empty eye sockets .. if you get my drift ..


Sorry its taking so long but it eing my first model .. I want to make it just right... It still needs lots of work



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Well if you can keep that up, this should look great.

The face fit pretty well on the model. It definately retained his likeness, and if it's only going to improve...

well then he will become the most powerful Jedi ever!


I would definately include his "Most powerful Jedi ever!" quote.



Good luck.





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great lookin model and head, but in my opinion the lighter side of the face looks more like the actor that played anakin, maybe it's just the lighting but the two halves of the face look different to me i have bad eyes anyway so don't be offended, anyway keep up the good work and keep us up to date w/pics

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Can you post a side shot? And it looks like there can be some edges turned in the shoulder area. And from the front, it looks like he has shorts on. The knees they look a bit odd. I can't really explain it but they just see, a bit odd. And the leather thing that goes over his shoulders shouldn't be connected. Its parted just a little bit. Well thats all I can say, right now.

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Originally posted by morphius_doh

As far as the different colour issue, you fixed that, but to me, it looks even less like Anakin than the first one you did.


huh? Looks like him to me, even better because the sides match, only problem is the low rez skin.

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I haven't answered to this thread in a while, but I was always glad to see progress of the model. And it's a great one.

Ok, this is possibly not so important right now, but if you need taunts for him I could send you some to choose from, and I am also trying to get enough sounds to make a complete sound package for him. But I don't know if that's possible, I will try to get as much as possible and then I'll see.

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Thanks everyone, for your thoughts .. Garik Loran, if you do compile a bunch of taunts that would be great, let me know when you do .. I hadn't really given much thought to that side of making a jk2 model ..


At the moment I'm working on the rest of the head ... when thats done Ill do a bit more work on the body, then I'll need to get down to the gruelling (in my opinion) task of unwrapping the mesh .. what fun!!

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