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All the other admins might have jobs, but im just a loser without one. lol j/k


As far as Magis is concerned, Solar and Prax addressed the issue pretty well. Its fairly hard to be on everyday when you have a life outside of Jedi Knights. Even when your in the game, you can't see every infraction of the rules. Taking matters into your own hands doesn't help much either. That just makes you as bad as the one who broke the rules.


Hopefully, now with 3 admins doing the morning shift: The Rock, ViperEye, UnnamedHavok; someone will be on in the morning everyday.


If you know any of the names of those rule breakers, please pm me or one of the other admins so we can take care of it.


Oh and Hawk, that site looks great too! Can't wait for it to be done!




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Originally posted by SolarFire

wasn't ready to be rolled out yet cali.. just an fyi.


Well technically, the address is on the loading screen when you connect to the server. At least, it was all yesterday. I haven't gotten a chance to play yet today. People just kept asking what the address was, since it was partially cut off. But if you do the whole "Server Info" query on the server, it shows it plain as day in there. So it's not really any information that wasn't available to the public yet.


FYI. :gben:

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Well, I'm back from my small break.


I see we have two new admins (neither of which are me, but hey, thats life I suppose). congrats to both of them.


Anyway, I'm back, and I'm ready to be your little rule enforcer when no admin is on... Again... :D

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Well Hawk put it up on the server, but her wasnt exactly 100% ready to launch it, but its cool, it doesnt mater.


He seems to have removed it from the server prompt for now. Still under construction.


Also, to agree with solo.


If you think you need to "take matters into your own hands" Please initate a vote kick, or post on the board, or contact one of us on icq or via email. Breaking the rules yourself does not change anything..




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You should add this line to your config:


seta g_saberghoul2collision 1


It increases blocking accuracy by enabled GHOUL 2 hit detection (poly-to-poly), and makes backstabs much easier to block. Loads of fun, it's just like SP.

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Is this ghoulcollison thing real? Or are you screwing around, Emon? If it actually does decrease the insta-kill virtue of the backstab, then this REALLY needs to be publicized. Also, does this variable affect dismemberment at all? I've been playing around with dismemberment, and so far have only been able to lop off arms and legs below the knee. No heads, hands, etc.


Just curious.

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I'm not BSing, it's something I got from ChangKahn himself.


It doesn't STOP backstabs, but blocking is more accurate, so it is easier to block it, even for bots, and they don't ever try to get up after being pulled. On a human, it would be much more ineffective (the backstab).


As far as lag, it's not even a problem, even on non-dedicated servers. I'll post a thread on it in a moment.

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Ill see what hawk says about it.


Though remember this wont stop backstab and backswing fanatics or ass fighters. It maye just make you live a bit longer and increase your chances of blocking and surviving abit. But it will not stop assfighters..


Thanks for the info, Much appreciated.




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Psionic, Ill talk to hawk about the slots.


Thanks the for the kind words.


We do realize the server has gotten pretty popular and that alot of people are having trouble getting in at times.




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Pheonix.tso is the one that banned you, so ive been trying to get a hold of him. If i dont soon, Ill talk to Hawk about it. But you have to understand that if I just unbanned you without talking to hawk or the admin that banned you(Pheonix.tso), that would be undermining their authority :)


But I havnt forgotten, Please be patient.


Thanks for the reminder



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To Emon, thank you for informing us of this command. It might be helpful in the future.


To Psionic Jedi, thank you for the compliments. We try to have the best server around and it makes us feel good when people compliment us. I also agree with you, if we could add more slots it would allow more people on, doubling the fun.


To Cheshirefiend, don't worry, as soon as i saw your pm's i sent them to prax. He will take care of it as soon as he can.




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The Website Is Now Official!!!






Many of you have already registered, but now please everyone else feel free to do so.



Currently I still do not have forums on the site, the forums I did have we're badly bugged, so I'm in the process of replacing them. But never the less there is still much more. Some areas still need filling out, but at any rate you can now get server info, stats, downloads from the site and more.

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