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Anti-back stab people please read (not a flame)

Homosexual Ewok

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This is sort of a "middle ground" idea for those of us who like the move and those who do not.


Personally I like the move. I think it looks cool and is a

very "stylish" way to wipe someone out (especially if done from the saber off position).


I really don't want to see the move go, nor do I wish to see it weakened to the point of no longer being useful.


Now all that said, I will be the first to admit, in the hands of a decent player this move can be used exclusively to wipe out an entire server full of players.


Now, I should say I am talking about "decent" players, as in those who practice and learn.

The people who blindly run around backwards will be gone when the "next big game" comes out, so quite frankly, I could care less about what they want.


What I propose is a small tweak to the move that will cause it to once again be used only by those who, when a window of opportunity opens, know the right move to use.


1-Leave the damage where it is at.

Yes, I know it is a 1-hit kill, but it should be.


2-Restrict mouse movement after the move has been executed.

This is without a doubt the biggest flaw in the move. I set my mouse sensitivity to 50 in the console. What does that have to do with this you ask? Quite frankly, everything. When I execute a red stance back sweep, I can spin nearly 540 before the animation finishes and wipe out an entire circle of opponents with just the tap of a saber. I, as one who uses this move, will be the first to admit that it is a major unchecked exploit.


What was the biggest gripe about the DFA? The saber turning when stuck in the ground. That was addressed and now you hardly ever see it unless it is done by someone who sees an opportunity to use it that outweighs the risks of doing so.


Now keep in mind I am just talking about the backstab/sweep move, not the pull/push combos. Getting knocked down is something very easily avoided, if you as a player take the time and learn counters that the more experienced players use.

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Originally posted by Kyth'emos

the damage is fine, but it should only damage one person not everyone behind you; you cant stab 5 people at once with one saber.


That would be kind of hard to buy on red stance sweep, the blue backstab yes, but the sweep no.

It would be like making a red/yellow stance side slash in front of two people and only causing damage to one.


If a person walks into a swinging saber that was meant for someone else, they should die too.


Restricting the movement will prevent the user from aiming for that group of people.

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Restricting the mouse movement isn't a fix for having your sensitivity set way up. All it will do is penalise those of us who DON'T set it that high, the rest will just set it even higher so they can keep spinning. For example: use a script to quickly alter the mouse sensitivity a long way up, to the point where they can spin like a top (I saw someone do this the other night - thought it was an error or something, which in a sense it is), execute a backswing/stab and then turn it down again a second later.


Just because something is exploitable under certain conditions, doesn't mean it has to be altered so it cannot be done AT ALL, just deal with those who are cheating (as this surely is)


Me, I'd just watch for people doing it. If I caught them, I'd warn them, and let others know what they were doing. If they continued, then kick them. Make them feel unwelcome. Simple as that.

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Originally posted by Jedi-Bert

has anyone else noticed the hit detction on the light backstab is awful?


i died from it while standing at the guys right arm


Sad but True. It´s not a bad move, but the Hit detection seems to be as awful, as the DFA was in the 1.02 Version

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Blue stab gets you killed also when you're standing infront of the stabber. Kinda lame...a normal swing would be blocked or cause ~20 damage, but if his team mate (or anyone) is standing behind him, he gets the backstab off and kills me too. :(


Shouldn't be too hard to fix? But sure...then there probably will be dozens of l337 players who start whining about "nerfing the backstab" :D:rolleyes:

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I am not so sure, if it´s so easy to get rid of the collision detection problem. I´m no Expert at this, but I guess there are a lot of Variables that got to be synchronized between two Players in a MP Match. Maybe the problem isn´t the collision detection, but the synchronisation between the clients.

Don´t know anyway. Just guessing.

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It's most likely a small error in the hitbox placement/size, similar to the DFA's problem, but it may result from the latency between any two given clients.


It may well get fixed, so it would be nice to be able to stand in FRONT of bs'er and not worry about dying, but I'd much prefer to see the backstab not hit people lying down, and put up with the occasional death-from-in-front (DFIF :> )

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Originally posted by Luc Solar

Blue stab gets you killed also when you're standing infront of the stabber. Kinda lame...a normal swing would be blocked or cause ~20 damage, but if his team mate (or anyone) is standing behind him, he gets the backstab off and kills me too. :(


Damn this crap! Yeah...the other day...well, actually 5 minutes ago, I was dueling this guy...Sutek something..I don't know... anyhow, I was just about to finish him off with a well-placed uppercut when someone jumped behind him and he got the medium sweep going and thus unfairly tears my l337 $killR0x0rZ-butt into ribbons. Damn it! Raven fix this! Sutek is a delibarately exploiting this horrendous BUG and it is all your fault that I died a painful, yet entertaining death! :mad: :mad:


Uhm...yeah! Fix it! :mad::D

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