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Aayla Secura


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Oh they all be trippin' with an Aayla icon now. :p


*Sneaks up to Chesirekat from behind. Pulls a Desert Eagle .50 and points it at Chesirekat.* 'This party's over!' 'Hurting poor Aayla he?!' :cool:


Lol, just kidding Chesire. ;):lol: All in good fun. :D


Anyone of the Aayla fans get any good pics and screenshots from her scenes in Ep II? :confused: I got most of them that are out there but that isn't much. :(


And btw, it's not really inaccurate that Aayla would have a red lightsaber and all in multiplayer as a bot because she did stray to the Dark Side once and during that time she used a red bladed lightsaber. :) Yep, she's a bad girl. ;)

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Has anyone else notice how "see-thru" Krishara's clothing is....might as well be a naked skin.


As anyone can probably guess I was basing the skin off of Oola's outfit from ROTJ. It too had the same see-through qualities that are prevalent in my skin.


However, I did include a replacement texture that lacks the 'anatomical correctness' of the original. If everyone wants I'll get spacermonkey to remove the original.

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In Star Wars: Twlight where Aayla's master Quinlan Vos returns her saber to her, and when she ignites it it's red. I'm assuming this is set before AOTC, so perhaps they'll have a bit in the comic-book where she'll obtain her blue one, just like Mace Windu swaps his one with Eeth Koth I believe it was.


Lucas has stated however, that Jedi lightsabers are blue or green while Sith are red. (Mace is a badass so he got to mix blue and red to make purple). Obviously comic books can colour them differently and in JO itself there are other colours.


To get back on topic, Aayla can have a blue or red saber as a bot as 'multiplayer' has no timeframe or storyline.

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Yes but on some cover art and other art she does have a blue lightsaber blade, I even saw an official one from Star Wars with Amy Allen in her Episode II Aayla makeup and an art shot from Aayla Secura in the comic books and there in the comic book art shot she had a purple lightsaber blade? :confused:


Funny thing on the Darkness 2 cover with Aayla she has a red lightsaber and that same cover art shot that is up at StarWars.com to illustrate who Aayla Secura is and that's the specific shot that inspired George Lucas to inculde her in Ep II, they changed the lightsaber color blade to blueish green. :) (Sounds suspiciously like George didn't want her with a red blade to not undo the Sith = Red, Jedi = Blue or Green theory.)


But that's all good. :p


I can't get hold of Rite of Passage 1 though to check what her blade color will be there. :(


On the Hasbro illustrations for the upcoming Aayla Secura model/toy the plans and drafts all have a red blade. But if that will be for the final product, who can say? :) I do hope they release it sometime soon. :D


Genthar, you wouldn't happen to have any good pics or illustrations you'd wanna share? :)

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