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Hidden SP models in MP?


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I'm not sure if I already posted this..but just incase I'll do it again. Ok....so does anyone know any commands to play as Singleplayer models in Multiplayer? Some I know are:

/model reborn/fencer

/model reborn/boss

/model reborn/acrobat

/model reborn/forceuser

/model imperial/officer

/model imperial/commander

The good thing about these models are you don't have to d/l them :D .

/model r2d2....this one makes the noises of r2d2..sadly you can't see the model of him though.


Does anyone know any other commands for these type of models?


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Uhm. Couple more that I know off.

/model morgan

/model jedi/j2

/model imperial2/commander

/model kyle/fpls



/model kyle/fpls2 -WARNING- Some people think that this is a cheat.


An administrator here told me that there was a way to fix this though. He felt that this was a cheat. If it is, then go to the following link to fix it.




That's all that I can think of...though there are prolly some more.

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