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Hi can any1 tell me what u do 2 get out of a saberlock??


i have been playing with my m8 4 the last coupple of weeks and evrytime we get in a saberlock he always pushes me back and wins is there a way out of this???



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Originally posted by ShannonKnight

I know it's anoying. I still loose half the saberlocks, and i can't imagine anyone hitting the mouse that fast. I suppose they are 12 fingered aliens... ;)


Why should you win more than half the saber locks? Are you that unbelievably fast to be able to click faster than half the people playing?


Dont get arrogant please.

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what the hell stu...

he wasnt being arrogant.


Just hit the fire button as fast as possible.

you also may want to bind fire to TWO different keys, like mouse1 and cntrl.

that way you can just alternate between tapping each one as fast as you can.


Should work better for ya!



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