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Since I receive about 10 mails each day telling me that the link on jkIInet doesn't work this is my desperate attempt to fix the issue! :( I can't send the file, so If you want to download the Darth Mekanus skin I have uploaded it on my server.


Darth Mekanus SKIN v1.1


And please don't email me to skin YODA! anything, but not YODA!


PS: This is Version 1.1, that fixes the shader. The first version had a shader that made the torso glow pale and was plain ugly.

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Everything is wrong with Yoda in JO! I don't have a clue how the models or modellers attempting this feat will do it. To me it seems impossible in the near future(animations, skeleton, etc). And Wihtout a model, there is nothing to SKIN! Nothing against Yoda himself, the master of the masters has always been my favourite Jedi has a matter of fact!

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I have a qustion,... I'm working on a skin using the jedi model. It has a very bad lighting effect that makes the bottoms of the eyes and bottom lip glow much brighter than the rest of his head. Can shaders fix this problem and if so how,... I'm compleatly lost.

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In my case I made an error in the shader script and that made the upper torso "glow". If you are not using a shader, the glow is due to the light colors. Teoreticaly I think you could use a shader to "darken" a part, but that would made the whole part darker and wouldn't be pretty. I am no shader expert in any case.


I had the same problem with the Xander Skin, the cheeks glow too much. The problem I think are light pastel tones, since the other colors have no problems. I still have to figure it out because It's kind of frustrating since once you are done it's very hard to correct. I didn't try yet, but maybe converting the picture to 256 colors would work(or maybe make it worse). Maybe TGA format also does better since it's not compressed, dunno. Haven't had much time to experiment. One way I fixed some of the glowing quickly was by adding a total black layer and then playing with the opacity.


Hope to have been of help, let me know if you find a nice solution. :)

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Thanks, but I don't think that the problem is with the textures.


The problem I'm havng is when there is a bright light source behind the character it shines through his head and lights up those areas very brightly. In places where the light source isn't that near it looks fine.


I'm not even sure there is a way to fix it, and I know absolutely nothing when it comes to shaders, but I had to at least ask,...


I can post some pics if you want to see them,...

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