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All I want is a GOOD fight!!!

Jah Warrior

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Come to my server after 6 pm eastern time, I'll be there and give you a good fight. It's called:


DJedi Accelerated Training and it SHOULD be in duel mode, unless another of my admins switched it to ffa. Just chill there until I join, my name is "[DJedi]Phr00t -SC-" In Red, Yellow and White.


Hope to see some of you higher-class guys there.




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Originally posted by Phr00t

Come to my server after 6 pm eastern time, I'll be there and give you a good fight. It's called:


DJedi Accelerated Training and it SHOULD be in duel mode, unless another of my admins switched it to ffa. Just chill there until I join, my name is "[DJedi]Phr00t -SC-" In Red, Yellow and White.


Hope to see some of you higher-class guys there.










Some wise word there Jah.

Thats why I never play on public servers...

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Originally posted by Phr00t

Come to my server after 6 pm eastern time, I'll be there and give you a good fight. It's called:


DJedi Accelerated Training and it SHOULD be in duel mode, unless another of my admins switched it to ffa. Just chill there until I join, my name is "[DJedi]Phr00t -SC-" In Red, Yellow and White.


Hope to see some of you higher-class guys there.





Nice one check ya later man

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I mostly agree with this, except I don't think it's right to say all special moves are stupid. All special moves have large drawbacks that cause them to be easily countered. If you show that you can and will counter a move, a smart enemy will stop doing it(or at least stop doing it every single time).


Only exception is bugged moves, like backstab/slash. But if Raven ever gets around to actually fixing this, that should be short-lived(Yeah right, I thought that the day I saw people start assfighting).

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Every server has honorable players. I've been having fun hunting them out and (in tdm) working as a squad or (in ffa) duelling them and exchanging sabre clashes (and soaking up the experience--geez the bots are dumb as posts). Otherwise, I perfect my dfa-backstab defence so as to discourage the spammers ;)


Its all part of playing a game...

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I think some may have me a bit wrong on this one.


When I say a good fight i mean 'no spamming' some seem to only use specials.


I use specials too but only when the opportunity presents itself. I never look for the special so to speak it will be obvious when it is a good time to do it.


Most importantly i use them in moderation. never repeat the same special twice in a row nor try backstab more than 1 time in a match unless its a total sitter.


This may sound like i am contradicting myself but perhaps I could have been clearer in the original post. (sorry)


Peac to you all.

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