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Force Push Doesn't Work on Some People?


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This originally was posted by Lone_Wolf1. His post was locked so that no one could respond to it. This one lamer kept replying with rather harsh comments. Because of this one guy's comments, the post was locked. Because his post was locked, I'm not sure he was able to get an answer to his question. So I'm posting this to give him another opportunity with his question. I'm also wondering the answer to his question.



"Force Push Dosent Work on Some People?

hello, im fairly new at this game so i got a quick question hopefully someone can answer. Sometimes when im playing on servers and i am using force push, there are some people who are totally immune to beeing pushed over and even beeing pushed at all. I know they arent using "Protect" or "Absorb" and its really been bugging me lately. They can run around and be totally imune to beeing pushed or pulled. Is there some tactic to withstand beeing pushed over?


thanks in advance"



I really don't know the answer to this. I think that sometimes you're able to push them if they are moving or swinging, but that's not always true. Also, I heard that push would work if you have more force then them. Is there any real way to know when you would be able to push them succesfully even if you're push levels are both level 3? Thanks in advance for any replys.

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The question was stupid anyway, so no real harm done. All the answering was done already...


Absorb counters push, and all 3 on push counter push, and all 3 on pull counter pull. You can't get knocked down in moments of non movement however you get knocked down after the 3rd push on you (and you're still standing). You also get pushed at the specific moment where the defense might fall when there is a 1.5 second interval from you using a force power.

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no need to call this person's questions "stupid", im sure you asked something like this in one of your 350+ posts. its a shame his question had to go unanswered because of some ******* who wants to show everyone how tough he is on this message board.


anyways, he did say that he knew they werent using protect or absorb, and maybe he knew how to tell if someone's using those force powers. in case anyone doesnt know, if you attack someone and see a blue shield they're using absorb. if you see a green shield they're using protect. start an MP game and click on "rules" -> "force powers" if you dont know what they do.


my guess is that those people were far away when he tried to pull or push them. if you're not too close and facing someone, then you'll automatically counter someone's push or pull with a push and pull of your own. even if you're far away and running you'll counter a push and pull, as long as your not attacking and facing in the general direction of the attacker.

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I didn't ask a question like that in my "whole 350+", and how nice I get you with 11¤ to preach me about what I do or don't do, and you don't even know how to qute a message.


Besides you also must be blind since I already answered the question in 5 lines...

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Originally posted by =SSC=Kal-El

I didn't ask a question like that in my "whole 350+", and how nice I get you with 11¤ to preach me about what I do or don't do, and you don't even know how to qute a message.


Besides you also must be blind since I already answered the question in 5 lines...


^ ^ LAME ^ ^


there's no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid people!

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Most people have their powers pumped up to level three when they choose em. That's what I do, I pick out of the list of powers what I want the most, and I feed them as much force points as they'll take. I assign any remaining few numbers of force points to an empty ability so I won't waste em. But push and pull are generally what I pump up first, because it makes it a little harder for someone to yank me off a ledge. With the powers pumped up like that, no-one can floor you with push or pull unless you're using a force power at that exact moment, swinging your saber, or jumping in the air. Those are the times people are most vulnerable for this power. And another tip; for all the grip bitches out there that like to sit in ns_streets and do nothing but grip people off the ledge all day, force push will easily counter grip if you do it in time, and because the walkways are so skinny in that particular level it's generally their ass that goes of the ledge instead. At the worst you both end up getting thrown off, but it's still justice I say :D

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Originally posted by -Techno-


^ ^ LAME ^ ^


there's no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid people!








Originally posted by Chaotic~Angel

Guys leave em be some people can't interact with others unless they feel more superior


No, the question was stupid. I didn't mean it as in = the guy who asked it is stupid. I just meant that the question was stupid because logically OF COURSE the push/pull works on everyone. If not that, then there is definatly some cheating or hacking involved. But then again the question was not formed like that. So like it or not, the question was a disaster and practically dug its own grave. I just finished putting the dirt on it. Nobody asked that since the game came out. Not that I am aware of anyway.


To say the least, the question was gagging for it...

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