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360 Degrees Sabre Sweep?


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I've been getting killed by people using force pull then sweeping the lightsabre 360 degrees. This move kills whoever is close in any direction. I do know that he uses the red sabre technique. I've tried to practice this move but with no success. Does any one know this?

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Opponent has to be behind you. Then just press backwards + attack, in a yellow or red stance. Yu'll do the sweep.


Oh it might have been me killing you that way, since I do it all the time. Of course only if you were in TFFA or CTF :D

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and then some people have it scripted so they don't need to turn around, they just push a button and it turns them around starts the attack and turns around again. they have their back to you for less than 1 second so they don't appear to turn around.

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