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Well in the past 2 weeks all the ideas that i've had have been taken. I wanted to do Kamino, Degobah, and a few others...


Does anyone have any good, not taken ideas for me? I'm new at mapping, so i don't want something overly difficult, just something to get me started. thanks in advance.

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How about some Jedi Temple maps? Based on some of the stuff we saw in Episode 2, there are lots of cool things you could do there. I would LOVE to see a map scaled true to the Jedi Archives or any of the huge corridors. That's the first thing that drew me to DF2: Jedi Knight, huge open areas in map that actually give you the feeling of being in some massive area (the giant fuel pipes is specifically what I'm referring to). Other Coruscant-based maps would be very cool too (since Coruscant is my favorite planet :) I love maps that are several stories tall. Or you could go another route, and make a huge forest with lots of hills for blocking, but make the explorable terrain massive. Throw in goodies like caves and a secret bunker or something. I love exploring maps :)


I'd do some of this stuff myself, but I don't have the slightest idea how to map. I think I may just have to learn, though! :)



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RATS...... RATS..... RATS....


*tries to use Jedi Mind Trick*


You will make a rats map. You will make a rats map.



In case you don't know what i'm talking about, a rats map is one set in some odd location that we would normally see day to day (i.e. a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, etc.) the catch is: the player is about the size of a rat in comparison to the rest of the world. which means the map itself is huge. thus the term rats map. :D



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I'd LOVE to see some OT maps - an Ewok Village as a duel map? including funeral pyre with the vader model on top, the bridge where leia and luke talk, an open hut like the one where c3-po tells the story, the celebration area complete with stormtrooper xylophone, and a balcony like the one where Anakin, Yoda and Obi-Wan stand at the end of RotJ. I'm sure it's take you a while to make the map, so maybe some rough skinds.models of the ghosts can be made, and you can insert them into the game but make it so they do not move, and you can walk through them :)


what about making the Death Star shield generatoe as a map? you could have the building with the radar dish on the top, and then the interior like in the film?


A simple duel map in the Space Slug asteroid from ESB. you could have one end complete with teeth, and tie fighters flying past searching for the falcon..and of course, yuse the falcon prefab in there too!



The war/briefing room on the Rebel cruiser from RotJ where Admiral Ackbar, Mon Mothma and Criz Nadine brief everyone abou the attack on the second death star - all you'd need to make would be a 3/4 cirlce with the projector in the middle (maybe showing the Death Star II?), and then a curved window with the seats for the Mon Calamari looking out..would be sweeeeeet to play in.


How about a CTF Hoth map, with a Wampa cave acting as one base, and a tauntaun carcass, downed ATST or Echo Base acting as the other. These would be great maps to make, sadly i can'd make them myself due to my having 0 knowledge of such things.


Well i think they're good ideas :)


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How bout doing a SITH temple.. a couple mappers have been wanting to do some, but have been tied up at work and doing other maps and told me if I could find someone else to map it, that'd be cool. The Sith temple I am referring to is the Sith Temple on korriban from the fan-made film Duality. It has an awesome feel for dueling... there is a movie at http://www.crewoftwo.com and I have models for the map from the creators of Duality themself. plus screenshots of the film that best show how the map is actually rendered... so if you could do that, that'd be awesome!!!

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Originally posted by RichDiesal

Don't do the Archives, that's one of my next projects... :p


wasn't really planning on that one.


Since you stole my Kamino Idea rich ;), any ideas?

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who thinks GIF should do this map!!!Ok, here's the general layout of the map.. on the outside, there is a remote planet, mostly desert and rock, and on the face of a cliff there is a landing pad that is joined to a temple by a catwalk.. in the distance are 2 suns and 1 moon. once the 15ft door opens, you see about a 20 foot corridor leading to a platform elevator that leads down to the main part of the map, the huge circular arena that is built above a huge crater in the planet.. surrounding the arena are gray walls with a dull metallic look.. on the circular arena which would be approximately 200 ft in diameter(in comparison to the imperial bridge map, it would take 2 of the bridges to walk to from side to side... ) connected to this arena are four lighting beams that are shaped(this map is supposed to be the training ground for apprentices of the sith, which a lot of people I think will like.. I hope the screenshots will be sufficient.. oh, which reminds me.. on landing pad outside of the temple is a Sith Terminator, which is a sith starfighter similar to the one flown by Darth Maul, but has its own very unique originality to it...














P.s. To view the pics, remove the http://


just add ? at the end of the link.... (stupid Geocities)










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Hmm, thinking along the lines of more "obscure" concepts that I haven't heard of anyone working on...


**Some Spoilers for those who haven't seen Ep 2 yet***

Though I doubt there's any people like that on this forum. :D


Here's some thoughts from Episode 2:

Tusken Raider village, Palpatine's office, the night club on Coruscant, Dex's diner on Coruscant, Padme's apartment on Coruscant, the Queen's office on Naboo, Padme's hideout on Naboo, the Lars Homestead (great map from MotS, haven't heard of anyone converting it), Count Dooku's hangar on Geonosis (that was the final duel location of the movie, after all), and finally various locations on Coruscant and the Kamino interior. This might include the starport or industrial district on Coruscant, and for Kamino you could have the cloning or training facilities on Kamino.


Phew, didn't know I had so many ideas... :D


Some more general thoughts might be converting maps from the previous two games, or just generally good maps from any FPS (giving them a Star Wars spin, of course). Also, maybe make maps based off ships other than Star Destroyers. The Blockade Runner from ANH comes to mind. There's a lot of footage of its interior. I also like the idea of making the Gungan city from Phantom Menace, though I don't think I'll be getting around to it personally.

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