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Natalie to Appear in Return of the Jedi?

Boba Rhett

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Just remember something else I'd like to see put into New Hope, and that's the scene with Biggs, Luke and the rest on Tatoonie. From the script there were 2 or 3 scenes (2 inside and one outside while Luke's pointing out the Star Destroyer and Blockade Runner). I know that at least one of these scenes is viewable on the Behind the Magic CD-ROM. Would be nice to have them in the movie...



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you won't see those scenes in the Ultimate Edition... the original material is probably too far gone to patch up.

What i imagine Lucas will do, is put out a DVD that lets you choose, but is sort of a portable Luasfilm archive with everything he wanted to put in Star Wars in a separate section.

Hey, and one extra scene never hurts, right ? We're not talking about a complete re-edit of the SE here...

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Yeah, I imagine there would be a number of the deleted scenes put on the dvd but not mixed into the movie. I thought it was kinda cool to watch The Phantom Menace with extensions built into the Pod Race (and even then, some parts, like Sebulba using his flamethrower; didn't get put in the film) and the landing at Corusant.



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