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who SERIOUSLY wants to be a Jedi???


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Is there anyone here that is really determined to become a Jedi no matter how hard it is?

ive not seen anyone that sounds serious enough about it, a lot of ppl would like to be a Jedi but would rather become something more accesable, thats how i feel aswell.


I wonder who'll become the first Jedi?

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Well, there's a good chance that 90% of all the people that become FS and RECOGNIZE IT will take the road less traveled and try it!


Of course, only 5% will make it, but oh well..


Wouldn't it suck is you were the 26th Jedi on the server (assuming the cap on Jedi is 25) and they said, "Nope, even though you made it, you can't be one...Too Many!"

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Originally posted by ivaj

Well I remember reading (computer gaming world) that there is no cap on how many jedi's there can be.


I remember the Devs said they will have a cap (either % or specific number). I posted somewhere else that if the cap was 25 Jedi, and you trained and stuff and were the 26th, wouldn't it suck if you got a message that read: "WE'RE SORRY, THEY ARE TOO MANY JEDI, Please try again later." After you spent all that energy!

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i'm fairly certain there wont be a cap.



But ehm, on another note.



What do jedi's do apart from protecting peace and justice in the galaxy?



Sounds like they got a lot of free time on their hands u know.

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I seriously would like to become a jedi. i dont know how i will become a jedi, i just know that i will become one. and am i the only one who thinks that every bountyhunter hopeful thinks they can kill a jedi? i mean a jedi IS a warrior of no equal. i believe that after all that hard work of becoming a jedi that a mere lowly bountyhunter can't kill you. Seriously people, do u think that such an easy proffesion to excel at beat something that takes time and patience? i dont think so. and besides, what is a little blaster gonna do to a jedi with a lightsaber? The jedi COULD have developed the skill to deflect blasters am i right? so to all those bountyhunter hopefuls, dont go running around thinking ur so "l337" that you can kill a jedi. just my two cents.




:saberg: <~~~~ ponder that for a moment

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Well, I don't think I'll consider the path toward Jedihood. I figure I'll start off in the Rebellion and eventually raise myself in the ranks...then when the expansion comes out, I'll pick myself up an X-wing and cruise the galaxy looking to destroy TIEs, maybe I'll even start up my own Squadron.

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Ingrown, listen. Bounty Hunter is not an easy class to excel in....it is not a predefined class, it will take lots of time to get all of the skills necessary for becoming a bounty hunter. Not as hard as becoming a jedi necesarily, but it is still going to be hard. To hunt people you actually have to talk to people, use social skills, and hack computer systems. Then once you know the area that your target is in you have to go hunt them down. Being a bounty hunter will be a hard class and will recquire talent; you won't be able to become one for some time either. And besides, this is a game. Although a player's avatar may be a jedi, that does not mean that the player is a jedi. They will not be as powerful as the jedi of the true Star Wars galaxy; they will make mistakes and they will be killed. Besides, even if a jedi can deflect blasters they can't deflect multiple and if you have three or four bounty hunters after a jedi, which will most likely happen (at least three or four) the jedi wont be able to deflect all of the shots and will probably die. That doesn't ean he always will, but as the player himself is not a jedi and the actions in the game are limited it will be quite harder. Don't dismiss bounty hunters and bantha fodder; lots of people want to be one right now, but once they realize there is not "be jango/boba fett" button and they have to work for everything they will probably give up. Becoming a bounty hunter will be hard, and there will not be alot of them.

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i see ur point gaal, thanx for clearing that up with me. o and excuse my ignorance, i pretty new so i dont really have a word in the matter(just bein the 15 year old that i am).





Originally posted by Gaalgoth

Besides, even if a jedi can deflect blasters they can't deflect multiple and if you have three or four bounty hunters after a jedi, which will most likely happen (at least three or four) the jedi wont be able to deflect all of the shots and will probably die.


so basically bounty hunters will gangbang jedi's?


but just be ready for this! :lsduel:

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Yeah ingrown, that's what it looks like.....after all, look at when vader wanted solo and all them. He hired several hunters......should be the same in the game. And Tran, good luck to you...just understand that perseverance isn't the determining factor for jedihood. read the jedi sticky.

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*ahem* "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a blaster by your side kid." Case closed, that's all there is to it.



oh so i spose jango fett hit mace with all his blasts? :rollseyes:

just keep telling yourself that when we deflect the blasts back at you mate :)



Don't dismiss bounty hunters and bantha fodder


Why not?, you dismiss jedi as bantha fodder, dont be a hypocrit


Every post i see you posting your putting down jedi's, personaly i think bounty hunters will be crap, but that dostn mean in every post im gonna say that, just lay off the jedi man. :evanpiel:

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My moisture farmer stomps on your Jedi. Come see me for your free stompin' when you've become a Jedi.



<Gavor sittin' out front of the farm, smokin' a corn cob pipe>


Don't no look like he's-a comin'.


<crickets chirp, chair creaks, tumbleweed rolls by>



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i want to congratulate all jedi warners... like me... all the people helping us warn the jedi wanna bees.... there will be a cap on jedi... read this:


unknown asks: Why don't you guys release anything about the Jedis?

Shug_Ninx says: We want Jedi to be rare and mysterious, so we don't want to reveal how to become a Jedi, what it's like being a Jedi, etc. We can say that becoming Force sensitive is really the most secretive part of the system. Once you become a Jedi, progression is similar to other professions


people.. im glad to announce that we were right :D

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