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who SERIOUSLY wants to be a Jedi???


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Originally posted by Ulic Quel Droma



Why not?, you dismiss jedi as bantha fodder, dont be a hypocrit


Every post i see you posting your putting down jedi's, personaly i think bounty hunters will be crap, but that dostn mean in every post im gonna say that, just lay off the jedi man. :evanpiel:


I don't think jedi are bantha fodder, I think they're damn cool. I am also a realist and see that to become one is going to include a seemingly random factor of skill alottment (and remember there are about 700 skills and a couple are needed to be activated to become force sensitive, and these are different every time). So it's basically a lottery. If I get FS, hell yes I'll take it. But chances are I won't and you won't. That's just the way the deck is stacked. IF I become a jedi, it'll be the way they become in the real SW universe: the jedi stumbles upon their force powers unexpectedly. That's what the dev's are trying to simulate, so they're going to make it hard to figure out on purpose, if not close to impossible. So no, I don't dismiss jedi as bantha fodder. I dismiss the people that claim they will become jedi as if it were a known fact as bantha fodder.

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Originally posted by Ingrown

I seriously would like to become a jedi. i dont know how i will become a jedi, i just know that i will become one. and am i the only one who thinks that every bountyhunter hopeful thinks they can kill a jedi? i mean a jedi IS a warrior of no equal. i believe that after all that hard work of becoming a jedi that a mere lowly bountyhunter can't kill you. Seriously people, do u think that such an easy proffesion to excel at beat something that takes time and patience? i dont think so. and besides, what is a little blaster gonna do to a jedi with a lightsaber? The jedi COULD have developed the skill to deflect blasters am i right? so to all those bountyhunter hopefuls, dont go running around thinking ur so "l337" that you can kill a jedi. just my two cents.




:saberg: <~~~~ ponder that for a moment


don't forget jedi progress will be the same as other pofessions... so i think there wont be any 'ubering' by jedi's against BH's :p:fett:

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

unknown asks: Why don't you guys release anything about the Jedis?

Shug_Ninx says: We want Jedi to be rare and mysterious, so we don't want to reveal how to become a Jedi, what it's like being a Jedi, etc. We can say that becoming Force sensitive is really the most secretive part of the system. Once you become a Jedi, progression is similar to other professions




How does this mean that there is a cap Wraith?



And on the guns vs. lightsabers.



I'll have a blaster for the regular fighting, and if a jedi get's in my way. I'll use my flamethrower..



lightsabers... mwehhee, dont make me laugh :)

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Originally posted by DudEhead

most will prolly go on a rampage anyway after trying without result for a month :fett: mad ppl get bounties placed upon them, me like bounties :)


What!?! What are you talking about?


*also walks out of the room*

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