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Why would anyone use Dark Force in 1.03?

Ready Wan

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1.03 cripples the dark side users, but I prefer the dark side powers. Is there any use in choosing any dark force power besides lightning (which only works vss newbies since anyone who has played for a few weeks or more knows to go light and use absorb)?


I got tired of checking EACH server for 1.02 games, and upgraded again to 1.03. It's pretty sad (heh, got killed 10 times by a guy who was just using the backstab move...I won most of the games anyway, but players like that are more numerous than any other at this point), and not very fun.


but anyway, back onto the subject, am I missing something with the Dark side? Is there ANY recourse?


I dont play on duel servers btw, only FFA with force/guns.





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thanks for the link Orangina!


Our entire LAN group only plays 1.02 (20 or so players)...at least on LAN both sides of the force have mostly equal footing.


I dont mind getting backsweeped, but at least in 1.02 people would mix it up with DFA (easily countered), so it wasnt the same boring stuff over and over again. Actually the DFA in 1.03 is crippled for the most part. you're a sitting duck if you launch it but then cant move at all to counter/protect until the animation is finished :(

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Dark Force is GREAT when you know how to play it.


Use tactic and you will owns. I owns all the time and im a Dark or Light user. Actualy Dark side is wwaayy more chalenging and i like it alot. Pussy light with absorb not cuase me any problem :). They still die from lightning, grip, Kick or saber.



"The blood on my hands is merely proof of my ambition"

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In an FFA game, it doesn't matter, because if you Lightning a group of people you almost always kill 1-2 of them. The Dark Side is the best in FFA because keeping yourself alive isn't going to win you the game when someone else is killing people faster.

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Lightside is unbeatable in CTF...I can't tell you how mind-numbingly easy it is to sneak up behind a stationary flag carrier with Mind Trick, backstab him, return the flag, turn on speed and absorb, and run the enemy flag all the way back to base unscathed. If you want a challenge, use the darkside. If you want to win consistently, use the light.

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Cracken, why would the flag carrier be stationary? Anyone without Seeing in CTF is an idiot.


Nathan, not everyone in FFA is an expert; that's the point. Lightning slaughters anyone close enough to get hit by it who isn't a Light Sider, and doing that will win you the majority of FFA games except against someone who's really really good with a gun.

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I feel sorry for you Darkside users...but sinceirly it sucks to be you. I was light since 1.02, and then the light was underpriviledged. So either turn to the light side and be a jedi, or just stay there and grow old like the emperor when I throw you into a deep pit using my absorb+push :D

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In Cracken's scenario, the flag was at their base. Also, in a game where players can turn invisible at will, you'd be stupid to stand still with the flag unless you have Seeing on and are watching the only entrance. I agree that the Light Side is superior in CTF, though, where staying alive long enough to get to and from their base is the only concern.

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Hmm Zek, I keep getting the feeling that you don't play a lot of Full Force Guns FFA... is that true? I may well be completely wrong.


It's just that if you were a regular guns FFA player you'd know just how powerless Darksiders are. They can't hold on to a gun, they can't affect the huge and growing numbers of Absorbant Jedi like myself (Was one pre-patch too)


The more darksiders there are in a FFA, the faster lightsiders win. It's that simple.

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Guest HertogJan

Yeah I agree that absorb is too powerful in 1.03... People who use it all the time, shouldnt be possible, bleh...


But hey, since you can here it from the other side of the map, just wait for it to run out, lightning them and when they turn it back on you just have to hit them twice with medium or so... Absorbers are no match for me! If they 'whore' absorb, I 'whore' the running-away-and-wait-for-force-to-run-out-and-then-use-lightning-and-finish-them-off tactic... Always works..


BTW, I believe absorb is the only forcepower that is easily effected by drain... lightning+drain can be powerful...

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....people who play dark in 1.03 servers are not good players.




Erm excuse me, are you sure your name is not "Nathan Wind Out Of My Arse"? I play dark, and think Im a good player - 99.9% of the time I will walk a FFA or TFFA, and I will also win about 90% of my one on one duels. A good dark player has much more fun than being a protective light, and should really whip his ass! The dark guy just has to make sure hes not pulled & backstabbed.


If you want a game for proof, you'll find me on gamer.TV servers most nights......


In case you're interested, no I do not spam back stab. Ill probably kick you around like a ball though, and medium finish your skull. ;)

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if anyone things 1.02 light force pwrs where underbalanced you havnt played saber/force ctf.


absorb is the single most un balanced force in the game. In one button (much like 1.03 backstab) you can effect five - six offensive force pwrs. What other force pwr can do that?


And you 1.03 dark force players with incredeble hearing. Soon as i see you even start a spell absorb is back on. Im pulling you down. And your dieing .


I only play 1.02, I was one of the first to get frustrated with Grip and Drain and Lighting and say to myself how can i beet that stuff. I read my manual and have been an absorb whore ever since. but in 1.02 atleast darkies had a chance if they had good teammates.


Solo dark vs 3/4 absorb defenders ='s Dead dark.


Solo light absorb/protect/heal vs 5/6 absorb defenders ='s a fight where a good absorb player could take out half if not all.


Because ive lost faith in raven I doubt they will change absorb to only suck mana and not change the effect of the offensive spell.


Or give rage the same effect of absorb.


No they will change the pwr of backstab. Add more blocking and Make it so sabers can only hit with the pwr Off.





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