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preview shots of my A-Wing prefab


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Here's an A-Wing prefab that i'm working on.




Let me know what you guys think. There's still a bit of texture work that needs to be done and some thing I need to fix, plus I haven't put in the guns yet.


I got a few questions though:


  • I only have blueprints of the top and front views of the ship, does anybody have any of a side view.
  • Anyone got any pictures of what the rear part of the ship looks like, behind the cockpit.
  • Does this ship have landing gear, if so got any pics of it.



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Cool! How about a B-wing? That's my favorite fighter from the movies. If you could make a B-wing with an opening in the bottom of the cockpit and a ladder into it, that would be VERY cool! If you follow the Expanded Universe at all, maybe you would consider doing an E-wing? Those are my favorite fighters of all time! If you're interested in doing that, I'd be happy to hunt down some reference pictures for you.



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well, I do plan on doing others after I finish the one's i've mentioned earlier. I have thought about the e-wing and the b-wing, so we'll see. I'm not sure about doing any interior for any ships because they'd all be pretty small but if I think I can do it, i'll definitely try.

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looks fabulous man, you already know it's a little thin, i have the action fleet model and it does have landing gear, i extending leg under the nose and 2 under the engines. i'd send a pic but someone else has my camera. here's a tip, i don't know if you're going for serious detail, but you may want to consider blacking out the windows. it's what raven does. it'll keep you from having to model the inside of the cockpit, without looking really any worse. but, i don't know, maybe you want to model the cockpit. just a thought.

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yeah that thing looks pretty high on the detail scale.. I dread what dropping two or three of those into a map will do to framerate.


I suggest instead of offering it as a normal prefab, make it a md3 because while they have their own problems they offer a much smaller hit to system performance.


In other words it's faster to draw an md3 model than a prefab of the exact same thing.

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Originally posted by UniKorn

Nice work. How many polys?


It's not a model, it's a prefab. Made it using mostly square cylinder's and of course round cylinders and a few regular brushes.


I have modeling software but no clue how to use it, still trying to learn as much as I can about mapping before I dive into modeling. These ship prefabs are a great way to test out the boundaries of Radiant and my abilities. But if I could model right now, I would.


As far as this thing slowing down gameplay, i'm not so sure about that, it's pretty simple in design as it's just a few patches and brushes, not much to it really.

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Create a square room, make all brushes caulk, and only texture the inside. Add your awing. Add a playerstart and launch the map with devmap,

then join the game, do not use your lightsaber


cg_drawgun 0

cg_draw2D 0

r_speeds 1

that number is the amount of polys you see at that moment(providing you look at the awing)

since you are a in a cube, there are 6 sides with 2 poly's, so your awing has r_speeds polys - 12 ;)

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Ok, cool. I didn't know about that.


Well I tried it and this is what I got -- http://www.stormpages.com/manquesa/rspeeds.htm


I don't know what all those numbers mean though. Which ones should I be looking at?


I haven't made any changes to the prefab yet since my last screens.


Also, when I load the map in MP it won't show my custom textures, which is how I got the shots for the untextured version. I originally made it in JK2Radiant with it configured for SP. Although my last few compiles I had it configured for MP so I don't think that's the problem.


BTW, I have 2 light entities in there, I don't know if that's have any effect on the poly's or not.

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Eh, 2300 poly's is way too many. Just three copies of that ship will put the area (not the whole map) at 7k poly's, which is about what an average room alone can do.


If a map limited the engine to drawing one ship at a time (hint: hint brushes or doors) it would be fine.


But considering some of the dog slow maps already out for jk2, not many people are capable of doing that.


> Oh, and any idea on what's up with the custom

> textures not showing in MP.


bring down console, type 'sv_pure 0', reload map. Or create a shortcut for jk2mp.exe and add '+set sv_pure 0' to the end of the command.


Default sv_pure is 1, which won't let the server or clients use any files not in a pk3 file.

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Originally posted by Xzzy

Eh, 2300 poly's is way too many. Just three copies of that ship will put the area (not the whole map) at 7k poly's, which is about what an average room alone can do.


Well, I plan on putting it in a SP map, i'm not really interested in making MP maps right now. Since there won't be any internet connection to worry about in SP (at least not untill the co-op mod is out) i'm not too concerned about it. I do plan on offering it to anyone who want's it, if anybody.



Thanks for the info on the textures not showing up. I actually tried that, but after looking at your post I realize now that I was mistyping it.

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would it be possible to create a low-poly version for the MP mappers who want an A-wing? yours looks perfect once you get some textures on it, and i'm sure a lot of people in the community would be able to use it.

good job.

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> Since there won't be any internet connection to

> worry about in SP (at least not untill the co-op

> mod is out) i'm not too concerned about it.


Uh, internet connection has nothing to do with framerate.


You drop three or four of those ships into a fully completed room, I guarantee people will get frame lag whether it's SP or MP.

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Originally posted by Xzzy

You drop three or four of those ships into a fully completed room, I guarantee people will get frame lag whether it's SP or MP.


I do agree that internet connection has nothing to do with the framerates. The reason you can go higher in single player is that you have some control over the number of enemies that will be displayed in the area. That is why you can go higher. In multiplayer you cannot control how many player models will be rendered => max polys in your map can be higher.

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Originally posted by Xzzy

Uh, internet connection has nothing to do with framerate.


Yeah, yeah, I agree too. I was mostly thinking of lag.


Originally posted by Klorel

would it be possible to create a low-poly version for the MP mappers who want an A-wing? yours looks perfect once you get some textures on it, and i'm sure a lot of people in the community would be able to use it.

good job.


I plan on making it as low-poly as I can, as soon as I finish it i'll release it and if anyone want's to use it they'll just have to test it out themselves to see if it slows down there map or not. I guess it'll depend on how much other crap is in there map as well.

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