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Outsider's view of JKII 1.03


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Originally posted by Nathan Wind

ugh, the fact that there is a complaint about "whoring" anything bothers me


Whoring is a term, just as a newbie is a term.


The thing is, I always thought that it meant you were good at something and really owned people with it. In this part of the net, it means that you're an idiot and use the same move over and over to much dismay. Oh well.

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Only unskilled players were killed by the DFA move a lot. Only unskilled players are killed by backstabbing a lot now. Only the unskilled players had problems with the game before it was patched to make up for thier lack of skill. The unskilled players are the only ones who complain and whine the most and the loudest and evidently are the only ones Raven will listen to.

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If you don't like it, CHANGE IT.


The source code is out. Start a mod. Make the ultimate version of JO. Who knows, maybe some ladder will pick it up. I used to play in a clan that played Q2 Weapons Factory competetively, so I know there are mod ladders out there.


Want more blocking? Add it! Want less blocking? Take it out! Want all hits to be insta-kills! Bump up the damage! Want to make all hits super-weak, but leave ONE move REALLY powerful? Go for it!


The options are wide open. I don't think we'll see another patch because 1.) LEC won't pay for it, and 2.) Raven has other stuff to do. They'll still offer support for the new SDK, but they won't be making a patch out of the goodness of their own hearts (not to mention checkbooks -- it'll cost 'em time and money).


Instead, they've given US the option to make our OWN patches. Yeah, you can't release it as widely, but hey, so what? It's better than nothing.


Why bother pissing and moaning about how the game was hella-neato-cool before or the game is super-king-kameiameia-awesome now and keep beating a dead (and by now, rotting) horse, when you can actually go out and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT??? If you HATE AND DESPISE all the WHINERS who RUINED your once proud and beautiful game, and think that 1.03 totally DESTROYED all fun in the universe, make a patch that you think will be fun.


If you think 1.03 is a good step in the right direction, but needs some tweaks, go make 'em.


Raven has cut out the middleman and passed the savings on to YOU.

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Originally posted by Nathan Wind

raven did no testing.


i suspect that they will further destroy the game by hindering other moves that have a purpose.


backstab had a purpose in 1.02. it didnt kill immediately. raven needs to realize this as well.


In 1.02 you couldn't run backwards to backstab because sabers hurt more than a wiffle bat.

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The 1.03 patch didn't lower the learning curve a bit, it lowered it ALL THE WAY.




I had been played JK2 for about a week almost continuously, fighting both online players and bots. I had mastered the moves pretty well, and knew how to win saber duels. One day I invited my sister to duel me on my home LAN. She had never played JK2 before, although she had played JK1 a long time ago, and had not played pretty much any computer game for over a year.


During the first duel, the score was 10-3 in my favor. I was perplexes because she had no idea WTF she was doing. What was happening was that the incredible amount of blocking very much reduced how much skill it took to stay alive, plus the reduced saber damage. Essentially, because my attacks were not effective, my sister, although unskilled, was alive enough to land some lucky blows. Of course, I still won, but the point is that a newbie player was able to win several rounds based purely on the fact that the game style had been made less based on skill, and more based on luck.

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