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Somebody help me with elevators PLEASE!!!


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I need to build an elevator that goes through (and stops at) 3 floors. I've tried experimenting with func_plat, but it just stops after going up 2 units. I don't know how to program in another stop. I'm basically a newbie. HELP ME!!! My map is almost done except for decoration, lighting, and weapon modules.

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or, just make your elevator a func_train if you want it to stop at all 3 floors. Read my post in the sticky at the top of the page on how to do func_trains. The only thing is that it will constantly be moving, you can't turn it on and off or select which floor you want it to go to. Func_trains just follow a predetermined path and stop at certain spots (if you want them to) for a predetermined amount of time before moving on to the next stop.


A true elevator is not possible.

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I tried making the elevator and had problems finding the origin brush, but once I solved that, the elevator still didn't work. I tried doing it like it was shown in the sticky and a number of other ways. Sometimes the elevator just wouldn't move, sometimes the whole elevator just didn't show up. Any ideas?

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