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The Jedi Acadamy


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Hey here's a suggestion...have one of your members make a skin of a model...first that comes to mind is reborn..or jedi trainer...and make a special 'trainer' skin to put on your servers. Then the padawans will work extra hard to be allowed to wear the 'flashy' trainer clothing. hahha..it would be a status symbol..which would be awesome in my opinion.

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Would anyone be interested in accepting me as a padawan? I played for maybe 2 weeks before they patched .02 and became quite proficient at sabering then. Right now i play mainly CTF but i am looking to become a better saberist. I currently employ heavy and light stance, but i am not familiar with many good combos. I also am NOT an assfighter as i detest those people. I do occasionally use DFA but i never used it in .02. Right now i am looking for a challenge and for ways to improve because although i like to have fun, i also enjoy competition. Well anyways just either post back or email me at Mike.T.Yeh@Vanderbilt.edu if you would like to help me improve. Thanks alot.

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NerfYoda: I'd like to become a trainer for the Academy.


I run my own dedicated server which is active 24/7, and I play for 8 hours every day. My specialty is the art of mentally defeating my foes. I can eliminate the most confident player's hopes of victory, frustrate the most patient of Jedi, and exploit holes in their weaknesses.

I am also a good teacher. I'm the leader of a clan in which I teach my members the intricate details of the saber. I've taught 4 of them so far. They could hardly defeat anyone in a duel server before I taught them, now they are constantly on top of all their enemies. I teach individual moves and stances, and also the way of knowing when to use them.

My arsenal of tricks is limitless; I use every move in my arsenal to defeat my enemy. My personal favorite is the 'baiting' of my enemy with Light stance, and finishing him off with a quick 3 hit red combo. I've been playing FPS games ever since the first DooM came out, and my personal strategy for victory is to use everything available. Environment, attacks, defences, counterattacks, counterdefences, and my accurate ability to predict incoming danger. I can teach these all to your students.


If you're interested in my services, send me an e-mail.





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hehe..thanks massadoobie..just remember this when you're considering hiring trainers..or even better..supervisors...I can go from server to server supervising the classes...hehehe..


Actually, yeah, the Shaolin temple thing would be soo cool..

there would be the 'Grand Masters' who are the top, and do not fight, but rather float around and make sure everything is okay..and they teach only the elitest of people...(possibly the trainers if they are better). Then there are the 'masters' who act as trainers..then there are the 'padawans' who are the trainees... LOL ...I'm getting to in depth with this..anyways mass..I'd like to get involved.

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haha i was actually referring to the special skins... not sure the shaolin temple would work too well, although we're definitely setting up somewhat of a hierarchy. anyway, we're about to open up the trainer apps, but since you've been so persistent, go ahead and email me massadoobie@academy.jediknightii.net and i'll see what i can do :)


oh, and for any of you (Aoshi is the last message like this i saw), we're opening for students in about three days, hopefully less depending on how fast we can hire a few more trainers and how soon our map guy finishes the map.

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Alright good in about 3 days i should get my new cable modem so i'll be more than willing to train. No more being subservient to the real evil empire.. (Aol). Just let me know where and when the training will begin and i'll be ready. :D

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replikant foryou do defeat the darkide means you will have to defeat me and the chance of that happing is a million to one. Why not join the Darkside and help wipe out the light weaklins who are not worthy to call themselves jedi are you to be strong or dead.

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Yes, yes I would indeed like to see for myself how good you really are. However, I never got an email, or a reply to the pm I sent you. So I posted above to gain your attention and get a responce. Now that I have, does this mean you have accepted me as an apprentice? If so, I would like to get in contact with you via email and get started on my training.



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Once falling to the Darkside, I amasking for training to show me the true ways of the Force, The Lightside. For now i see no strengths in the Light side, Anger strikes me the Dark side Dwells within, i can feel it... please i ask for a MAster to draw me to the Light side and train me to becomea master and help train others to the Lightside of the Force

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Darth, Convince me how the Dark side is better. It Destroys your mind and clouds it, all it does is cause destruction. with the control i haveof my dark powers i would destroy much and harm too many i cannot harness the power ofdark thats whyi call upon a Jedi to Harness the Powersand use some that will not harm others...

Darth persuade me if you can, but i dont see any good in the Darkside

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SSC I have not chosen my Path Yet do not JJUDGE ME!


The Light has no Strength in it though, I WANT POWER i hate thre FACT YOU ALL think Weaknesscomes from dark POWER FLOwSWITHIN THE POWERSOF THE SItH's!


The Light hasnothing to Assist me in Strength! and No one is Willing to Train me in the ways of the Light!


My Only choice is to be an Apprentace of the Sith!

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