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I don't need the force to inflict damage. I'm not aggressive for a need to kill quick. I just use my forces to defend myself against your dark side which can't inflict any damage to me, yet it always gives me a full force gauge. Then I just charge on you with medium stance while you are open and trying to kill me with your lightning. Simple...

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I have no Sith nor Jedi to train me... Indecisive is what oi am... Ifi do not find one to Train me i shall beRunning around as a Wreckage using my Powers Blindly out of control...

I need a Sith or Jedi to help me Train and Harness my Dark Powers or My Light

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The times are not the problem. I'm on the net alot, however the ping is what is the problem. I would reccomend that you find another Aussie because you would have a similar ping. If you and I were to train it would be virtually impossible because either of us would need at least a T1 to have a good connection to one another. The thing is that you and I are completely away from eachoter. I'm in the northern hemisphere in Europe, and you are in the Southern hemisphere to the lower part of Asia. It's just impossible. However an American (which there are a lot around here) could help you out.


My reccomendation is for you to wait for the Jedi Academy to open and then find a master that would suit you.

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Darth dragon is throwing all the padawans to me I see..lol. I only want 1 young padawan which I have at the moment. I have applied at the Jedi Academy, and also am getting a tryout with them soon (tonight hopefully) So soon I will be a trainer in the jedi academy. If you wish to learn under my wing, join the Jedi Academy as a padawan and ask for me..Dark Begger. I train light side and neutral forces along with some saber tactics and combos.

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~Valek rounded the corner at a slow measured walk, his black cape flowing behind him. His eyes met those of Darth Dragon and he nodded slightly~


While I don't know you I do know Darth Kaan. He and I have fought together in many battles against the Jedi. I too wish to know the full power of the Dark side if you will teach me as well.


Please check your Private Messages.



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Originally posted by Valek Hawke

While I don't know you I do know Darth Kaan. He and I have fought together in many battles against the Jedi. I too wish to know the full power of the Dark side if you will teach me as well.


Translation: I know Darth Kaan. He and I fought together in many battles against the Jedi. I too wish to know the full power of the dark side, because when him and I played, we kept losing over and over and over to the light Jedi. Please help me learn how to spam lightning even more and give the force to the light Jedi absorbers.



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You know Kal El, I bet you're the reason your dad's an alcoholic. Did your parents forget to turn on Net Nanny again? How old are you, Twelve?


The truth is I have only recently started playing the game about two weeks ago and have not even begun to use force powers as I didn't want to develop any bad habits. So I don't see how I can be spamming or nerfing them as you have so authoritatively assumed. I saw this post and thought that I might perhaps gain from the benefit of another's experience. I also enjoy role playing even at my ripe old age of 34 and that is why I decided to word my post to Darth Dragon the way I did (which is really none of your ****ing business).


After reading many of your posts I thought I would pm you and at least keep it out of the public forums but since you have decided to bring it out then I cannot in good conscience let this go unanswered. So in the spirit of a good flame war why don't you quit acting like a total ****stick, get some clearasil (then maybe you'll get laid by someone other than your priest), and shut your cockholster.


In an above post you said you had applied to be a teacher at the Jedi Academy so here's my proposition...


In one month, NF, saber only duel server, your Padawan vs. Me and my Master vs. You. Both matches best out of 10...


That way there'll be none of your whining about force powers being spammed.


Now go pour your dad a drink and go to confession.



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Originally posted by Valek Hawke

You know Kal El, I bet you're the reason your dad's an alcoholic. Did your parents forget to turn on Net Nanny again? How old are you, Twelve?


The truth is I have only recently started playing the game about two weeks ago and have not even begun to use force powers as I didn't want to develop any bad habits. So I don't see how I can be spamming or nerfing them as you have so authoritatively assumed. I saw this post and thought that I might perhaps gain from the benefit of another's experience. I also enjoy role playing even at my ripe old age of 34 and that is why I decided to word my post to Darth Dragon the way I did (which is really none of your ****ing business).


After reading many of your posts I thought I would pm you and at least keep it out of the public forums but since you have decided to bring it out then I cannot in good conscience let this go unanswered. So in the spirit of a good flame war why don't you quit acting like a total ****stick, get some clearasil (then maybe you'll get laid by someone other than your priest), and shut your cockholster.


In an above post you said you had applied to be a teacher at the Jedi Academy so here's my proposition...


In one month, NF, saber only duel server, your Padawan vs. Me and my Master vs. You. Both matches best out of 10...


That way there'll be none of your whining about force powers being spammed.


Now go pour your dad a drink and go to confession.




My father left my family when I was three years old because his mother and father didn't have much time to live (both old and sick). Now they are all dead because a war broke out there.


However, thank you for the post...really nice and comic too as I'm sure you wanted it to be.

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*Here's the sound of someone getting spanked*


Well Valek, he could have accepeted, and let his skills do the talking, but instead, chose to tuck his tail between his legs and continue whining.


He did not even acknowledge the challenge. In my book that says it all...


what a Gomer.




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hey guys... i know this is really none of my business but since i'm one of the guys trying to improve the civility of the community...


varek, he was kidding around. i don't think he's ever seen you play, but one of the "stereotypes" of dark force users is lightning spam... however if you really are 34 years old then you should realize a shot like your alcoholic comment is not only unnecessary, but you never know who you're saying it to and what's going on in their real life...


ssc... don't stereotype dark force users, even if you are joking... you never know who's gonna take what you say the wrong way because, if you haven't noticed, sarcasm doesn't really go over too well online most of the time.


and both of you... i know it's an anonymous forum, but at least try to be nice... if not then this community will degenerate into such a pit of rudeness that no one will want to play anymore



Academy Leader, Jedi Academy


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Who was stereotyping? Lightning is always spam, no matter how you look at it. I mean it's a bolt that goes on and on until your force gauge depletes. A thing that repeats itself is always spam. I just chose that as a joke, but I could have said grip, or anything else. You assume too much.


However, seriously a nice joke about my father. Just shows that those 34 years were a waste, at least considering the mental capabilities. You don't see me going around insulting your mothers and fathers do you?



Originally posted by Darth Kaan

*Here's the sound of someone getting spanked*


Well Valek, he could have accepeted, and let his skills do the talking, but instead, chose to tuck his tail between his legs and continue whining.


He did not even acknowledge the challenge. In my book that says it all...


what a Gomer.





Nice to know that there are even more people who have the intelect below average. What a poor and weak attempt to come back with something. Surely you could have done better? Maybe if I insulted your father, who died in a war it would make you feel good wouldn't it? Or your mother, who obviously didn't teach you common courtesy.



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Kal el has a very bad tendency to spew forth rude and obnoxious comments and it is not just on the forums here. After all, someone has to play the Darkside for the Jedi to have someone to fight. Valek posted to Darth Dragon, as both he and I want to roleplay darkside characters in the game. I told him DD was taking apprentices and that he should post to the string. However, Kal el is the one that just had to be a wise ass.


Sure Valek's words in his reply were harsh, but he only gave what he so rudely recieved. I know Valek in real life and I am sure unless provoked, he wont post as such again.


I surely appreciate the efforts of the Jedi Academy and I am looking forward to it becoming very active.



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Originally posted by Darth Kaan

Sure Valek's words in his reply were harsh, but he only gave what he so rudely recieved. I know Valek in real life and I am sure unless provoked, he wont post as such again.


Yes of course, insulting your deceased father is exactly the same as for you to assume the worst! and be insulted how I said something about the dark side. Poor poor you. I pity the both of you.

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Kal El,


Say and convince yourself of whatever you want. The facts remain that you are the one that posted an abbrasive and rude comment (as usual) by choice, to someone not even posting to you. You also ignored his challenge...which speaks volumes.



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I didn't even want to read the whole post. The first and the last sentence were enough for me to realise what the content was about. They spoke "volumes" as you so delicately put it. And I am certainly not going into any game with the likes of that. And I am really sorry you take it as abbrasive and rude that the Dark Side sucks (which we all know btw), however maybe insted of insulting my father you should both try and get a life.

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Okay, I'm ending this now.


You know what Kal El, you're right. Massadoobie, You are also right. At 34 years old I should have exercised more restraint than I did and not stooped to retaliation. Yes, Kal El, I DO know what it is like to lose a parent...two in fact. My Father died when I was 12, my stepfather when I was 23, and I was devastated by both losses. So...been there, done that, got a life and moved on. Take the mask off, you're not the Lone Ranger there Chief.


Massadoobie I apologize for any disgrace I may have brought to this forum or the Jedi Academy by my actions.


Kal El, I sincerely apologize to you for insulting your father (In fact, being a Veteran myself, if he died in a War (What war was that btw?) then I Salute and Honor him)), your relgious beliefs, or your sexuality.


Should you choose to accept my apology then great and if not then so be it. But as far as I'm concerned this topic is closed.


~Nods, turns and walks away~

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Nice cowardly cop out on the challenge. Somehow I knew you were all whine and no skill. Again, you can't comprehend the simple truth or logic. To begin with, I never insulted your Father.


Yes, we know the dark side is harder to play, that's why we are choosing to do so, because it is a challenge.


I have no doubts your nose bleeds once a month...



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