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well said Valek, well said... thanks for taking the high road... and don't worry, i'm not directly involved enough, nor does anyone else know about this, to "disgrace" the Academy... hell, the word "Academy" is misspelled in the thread title, that's more disgraceful (even if one of the Academy members didn't create the thread :))



Within days of opening this damn thing, Jedi Academy

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Originally posted by Valek Hawke

Okay, I'm ending this now.


You know what Kal El, you're right. Massadoobie, You are also right. At 34 years old I should have exercised more restraint than I did and not stooped to retaliation. Yes, Kal El, I DO know what it is like to lose a parent...two in fact. My Father died when I was 12, my stepfather when I was 23, and I was devastated by both losses. So...been there, done that, got a life and moved on. Take the mask off, you're not the Lone Ranger there Chief.


Massadoobie I apologize for any disgrace I may have brought to this forum or the Jedi Academy by my actions.


Kal El, I sincerely apologize to you for insulting your father (In fact, being a Veteran myself, if he died in a War (What war was that btw?) then I Salute and Honor him)), your relgious beliefs, or your sexuality.


Should you choose to accept my apology then great and if not then so be it. But as far as I'm concerned this topic is closed.


~Nods, turns and walks away~


I accept your apology of course, however being with your experience with your father and stepfather I would have expected that you would know better than to insult anyone elses. Anyway, doesn't matter now, I would like to apologuise for something, however I don't know what for since I didn't mean anything as an insult, actually whatever I say on the board I don't mean as an insult UNLESS someone bites on my behaviour and then insults me in some way first. However I am sorry if I give off the hostile feeling. Can't really fully help it.


Originally posted by Darth Kaan

Nice cowardly cop out on the challenge. Somehow I knew you were all whine and no skill. Again, you can't comprehend the simple truth or logic. To begin with, I never insulted your Father.


Yes, we know the dark side is harder to play, that's why we are choosing to do so, because it is a challenge.


I have no doubts your nose bleeds once a month...




I should quote that and put it into a frame, and then write on the frame "Last words of an idiot".

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i am sorry that the fact that i like the darkside is so wrong and offencsive (only towards kal for some strange reason) as for Kaan and Val i would like to say thank you for sticking up for the darkside in my short appsecnce. As for Kal plz do not dis the darkside as one day it may come to haunt you when the darkside rules as more and more are coming to their sences and joining e.gKaan and Val who are both my padawans and if you dis them or the darkside you shall be very sorry, if you appoligise i will make your death quick and painless. As for Mass have you got any trail dates yet. Plus sorry beggar but i thought you were looking for new padawans but my fault i won't do it again.


Kal remember you had better watch your back.:vadar:

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You speaking words of the Darkside made me have to mention this, I still yet have not found someone to Train me in the Waysof the Force, I feel the Blood of the Darkside running throughmy vains please i need a MAster a Sithlord to train me

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Originally posted by darth dragon

i am sorry that the fact that i like the darkside is so wrong and offencsive (only towards kal for some strange reason) as for Kaan and Val i would like to say thank you for sticking up for the darkside in my short appsecnce. As for Kal plz do not dis the darkside as one day it may come to haunt you when the darkside rules as more and more are coming to their sences and joining e.gKaan and Val who are both my padawans and if you dis them or the darkside you shall be very sorry, if you appoligise i will make your death quick and painless. As for Mass have you got any trail dates yet. Plus sorry beggar but i thought you were looking for new padawans but my fault i won't do it again.


Kal remember you had better watch your back.:vadar:


I'm hiding the pain.


I don't know where you people got the facts how I find the darkside "wrong and offensive". Looks like every time I leave the board for 30 minutes, everyone gets delusions of grandure. Darkside IS WEAK. Accept it, let go, it's over. You using it, you are only doing me a favor by filling my force pool because I keep the absorb when I play with the darksiders at all times.

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No it is you who is weak as the darkside can bide its time and wait for your absorb to run out and then strike you with all the power of the force. You are in denial as you can't execpt the fact the more and more are leaving the lightside to join the dark. Why not follow them and if you are as good as you say you will have a warm reception. I feel that your negative ways for the darkside are just the fact you have yet to beat any one using the darkside force with the weakness of the light. Come join me and all my bretherin and destroy the plague that is the light.

I am sorry that you feel that the darkside is weak as i can sencse that you have alot of anger release it and join us.

As for Bobo why not ask a few of the sith on this thread.:jawa

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have anyone thought of forming a SITH academy? u know the ones that teaches the power of the dark side and s***.


The highlight of dark training is teaching how to fight with asses, be a drain , grip absorb whore. Or even getting ur @$$ banned in servers! Wad'ya think?

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darth, you have drafted two padawans? I only wish to hold one, I have 4 on email, and I will train them all once, until I find the right one that I can pass on my power to. I emailed them all to go to the jedi academy to look for a trainer..you never know, they could get me (when and if I'm in)

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kun the Jedi acadamy us for both dark and light and any way can you make a site as i have no idea. As for beggar are you going to teach in the JA. also kun your use of langauge is appaling try to learn how to speak proplerly or the JA might not accept you.

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kun.... very funny, i got the joke... and hell we may hire someone to teach "sith" (n00b) classes... and don't worry about the language, just turn on the tv (in america at least) and you'll hear everything you put in your message


dragon... you really gotta calm down man. i think the reason this thread has had so many fights is that some people are treating the force as what it really is... part of a series of fictional movies and games. other people like to live the fiction, as you seem to be doing with this:

No it is you who is weak as the darkside can bide its time and wait for your absorb to run out and then strike you with all the power of the force. You are in denial as you can't execpt the fact the more and more are leaving the lightside to join the dark. Why not follow them and if you are as good as you say you will have a warm reception. I feel that your negative ways for the darkside are just the fact you have yet to beat any one using the darkside force with the weakness of the light. Come join me and all my bretherin and destroy the plague that is the light.
I'm all for role playing and getting really into fiction, but when fights start because you take the fiction more seriously than the person you're fighting, it gets ridiculous. anyway what i'm trying to say is it's ok to get caught up in the fiction of the star wars universe, but when you start making idle threats like "do not dis the darkside as one day it may come to haunt you when the darkside rules as more and more are coming to their sences and joining" it's just a waste of bandwith and the time of you, me, and people who read it... oh and you gotta apply to get a trial time..


i'm done now :)



yes i realize a jedi academy is also fiction, but i'm not flamebaiting, Jedi Academy

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Erm... I'd like to start training under a master. I probably can't start for a week or two, because I have computer problems to sort out, but then I'll be good to go. I live in the EST time zone, and have cable. I also stay up until 4am on most night(Chronic insomnia-type thing), so there won't be much trouble if my trainer is in a different time zone.


I'd also like to say I think it's really cool what you guys are doing- taking your in-game skill and spreading it to others, while at the same time giving us lowly padawans a more jedi-rific experience. Keep up the good work.:)



Sorry about the double post, I have no clue why it did that.....

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Erm... I'd like to start training under a master. I probably can't start for a week or two, because I have computer problems to sort out, but then I'll be good to go. I live in the EST time zone, and have cable. I also stay up until 4am on most night(Chronic insomnia-type thing), so there won't be much trouble if my trainer is in a different time zone.


I'd also like to say I think it's really cool what you guys are doing- taking your in-game skill and spreading it to others, while at the same time giving us lowly padawans a more jedi-rific experience. Keep up the good work.:)

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This is just a suggestion...but why dont we get an email list going and maybe even a "Sith Academy" forum for all those that want to learn the darkside of the force?


That way we could be around people of like mind and we wouldnt have to listen to people like Kal-whiner about things we all ready know, like the fact the darkside is harder to play in this game.


If we all had a way to communicate and discuss topics of interest, co-ordinating training sessions and some practical app by playing as well it could be lots of fun.


Lets stop talking about it and make it happen. :)



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FYI, if you look at our about us page http://academy.jediknightii.net/about.php you'll notice we do have dark side trainers... so don't think we're light side only like the "real" jedi academy (and also don't think Kal El represents us in anyway... even if he's the first student listed on the site :))



My fingers hurt from typing on this thread, Jedi Academy

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I was a jedi. However i have seen the light at the end of the tunnel.....the DARK light. I dont see how anyone could stay a jedi more than a few minutes. Its simply dumb to choose to be so WEAK. Since i changed to the dark side I have been trying to change my user name. I havnt found out how yet. Darth Dragon do you know how to change ones name to something a little less revolting than "master zod". PLEASE help me anyone.:syoda::lightning

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I applied as a student as well but I read on the page where it said if you sent it in it was messed up. Anyway my point was possibly that someone could setup another forum just for the Darksiders as this one rarely loads and when it does it's slow.


That way we could get some form of orginization and a way to communicate other than this forum. Maybe the Jedi Academy could get a few forums so we can get interest up and activity going there?



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Mass sorry, but you see in life people have to take a stancs in the things they belive. Plus Kaan i like the idea of the JA having its own forum on efor light the other for dark (of coruse the light one would be emptier than a nuclear test site.) Plus as for Zod i don't think you can change your name why don't you just registar again.

PS Mass when while i have my trail plz hurry up you know what times i am freepick one and tell me.

PPS is the server working yet.

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kaan... i'll see what i can do on the forums, i like the idea, just gotta have the time to do it... i think i misread your post and interpreted it as "lets make a sith academy" instead of "lets make a sith academy forum"... duh doobie


dragon... i agree you gotta take a stand, however it is still a game... i do have to say, if you're gonna be a trainer, you may want to tone down the dark/light battle a bit, because we're trying to go for community unity rather than bickering :)... oh and telling me to hurry up isn't gonna make me do anything any faster... sometimes real life gets in the way



Breakin all the rules at my internship by posting this message, Jedi Academy

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massa doobie, I will take my tryout soon, but I do not think it can be this weekend, as you see I am participating in the 2v2 tournament on twl. First round elimination is supposed to be this weekend. I hope you understand and can extend my tryout period later on.

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