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The Jedi Acadamy


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i agree, i think that there should be no side war between the force powers in the game, whareas in the movies ther is a war, but in th academy we should be able to co exist

any way i am a trainer at the academy and i just wanted to say that, were goin for unity, not war

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To clarify what I meant...


I think a Forum specifically for those that would like to, or are currently teaching, learning, and playing the darkside would be a good thing. I thought it a good idea for those that want to discuss all aspects of darkside. A meeting place if you will.


I didnt mean to seperate completely and start a war. There can be unity with each faction having their own forums. JMHO.




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also, i am ntrested in the dark arts, if any one would like to train me in the ways of the sith i am willn to turn to the darkside for the time being and becoem a sith aprentace to inccrease my skills in the dark arts to maek me a better player all around, although my chosen side of th force is light it cannot hurt me to become accustomed to the dark arts, for i may have to use them in battle. this is how i beleave everyoen should feel, not stuck to one side of the force, but able to learn both sides in order to become a better, smarter, more powerful jedi.

i'd also like to learn the yellow and red saber stances, in order to become a jedi master

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Thanks for the recognistion beggar, you are in atornie how did you gat into it and were from as i would love a bit of tornie experiance and i couldbe able to kick some serious proffesional ass.

I would like to ask Mass if the try outs are going to be on the JA server as at the moment it does not seem to working also i would love to help you set up the forum on the site.


Kall/SSc i see that you have not posted back, as he knows the darkside is to strong.


Wamp, why not join the acady and you can be taught what ever you want.


Does any one know theMedium stance well as i am looking for someone to train me in it.


Do you all know that you can play the online game offline but just against bots, it is really good fun and practice. Try it out.


how come my Sig aint showing on any of my posts, can some one plz turn it on i have a really good 1.


YES at kast i am not Bantha foder anymore, iam a pit driod........ crap!! when do i level up next.

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were exactly is the person who started this thread.


I am darth dargon join my quest to destroy all lightside online players. Join the Jedi acadamy and learn all you want for free.

Any one who likes the lightside should join the Dark or i shall have to kill you.

(sorry if this message causes any offence plz direct all complaints to dragon INC, thank you and have a nice day.)

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yes doobie, I have applied..and I put in the name: ISofDI-Dark Begger....actually I applied just now...I thoguht it was all done before.b.ecause you emailed me..but fine..I signed up jsut as you asked.


Here's my 'receit' for the application.


"Your application has been sent to the Jedi Academy. Thanks!







Chris "massadoobie" DuBois - Site Design, Academy Coordinator/Leader

Kevin "DJ Sith" Laude - Co-Site Designer, Academy Site Guru/Server Host

Ross E. "JediSith999" Berger - Academy Founder

Questions? Comments? Snide Remarks? Email one of us."

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oh..and sign up for the tourny is over darth..sorry... but just in case you want to join future tournies..or fight in a ladder, go to http://www.teamwarfare.net and register. Join the 1v1 FF ladder if you wish, I will be joining that soon.



Anyways, I feel that there will be friction between me and darth in the academy...For I am a lightside jedi. I await your attack darth ;)

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i've tried to answer as many questions as possible on the site....


oh and beggar, sorry if i did reply already, i get a lot of emails :)... and as far as i know the server is still running, it's just password protected now... although dj sith got laid off, and he was getting the server's connection through work, so they may have turned it off... i'll ask him later.



ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz , Jedi Academy

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Apologies to those of you waiting for trainer testing. I've been off looking for a job the past few days & haven't really had the time lately to organize all this stuff. These layoffs came at a great time for the academy.


As for the server going down because of my old work connection... I'm a regualr paying customer of theirs now. The place I used to work for isn't going down, so the server should stay up for now. If I get any news to the contrary I'll let all you guys know.


Answering misc questions noticed in the thread... :)


Once a trainer is accepted he/she can schedule a calss on the website. Registered students (or other instructors) can then sign up for that class from the website, so yes you can choose which instructor you want. Any time not in class on the sever is free time. If you'd like to schedule a 1 on 1 it might be best to do that during free time & should best be worked out with your chosen instructor.


Dark Beggar: Your application may have been sent to me. I'm sorry in the delay for getting you tried out, but I've been a lil busy lately hehe. It's cool how you saved the "thank you" page though. :) PM me.


And on the subject of SW continuity/ roleplay... our focus is to help the community along & teach people how to play a video game 1st. If you want to roleplay on the server that's fine, just don't rain on anyone's parade any. :)

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That's a really cool idea :) Unless someoene here volunteers for it I may bring this up at the skinning forum. We *do* have a map in the works.. actually its almost finished. Wait till you see it. Our map rules. :)



It's odd.. news about the academy goes up and we start getting truckloads of trainer apps and all of a sudden the jkii.net server hanfs. concidence? :)

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sorry about the confusion, i am a trainer at the academy, but i train light stance, and light side force, i am not bad at those aspects of the game, but i am terrible at the other saber stances, and with dark force, so i am both a trainer and a student, i am not afraid to admit my faults, us i sorta suck at thsi game, i just know light stance fairly well

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I am very intersted in this academy, still new at the light saber and would love to learn new things or too or just master the light saber, since i've bought the game i havn't even used any other weapon but the light saber, my goal is to master it and go into an all weapons server and dominate :D

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