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Tha Real Mwa!: When is tha JA gonna be up??? and someone should make like a Jedi Academy Level like in the Episode 1 and 2 movies where the Jedi Council Sits, and then make an elevator to like a dueling area main hall, llibary ect..

like the Idea?

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That's why i use it, cuz my saber sux

As long as the guy doesn't have absorb, you can lightning him on almost any map, drain for hp, grip and fling in certain maps. Cheap.

It's like dark side is there, that's why we need a light side the counter it. Doesn't look like the other way. I think it requires superior saber skills to attempt using the light side, provided there are no shooting weapons.

I usually use medium stance and dark side. I just can't master than backswing thing. :(

I want to join the academy !!!

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Apparently the Academy isnt Fully up yet, but there is the Reborn Academy training the Darkside, maye there small Sith Academy can help you out, but i suggest when this is upcome back to these, for they areall great Jedi and All powerful Sith

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hey I was wonderin will there be any servers in the uk as i'm on a dial up :( and my ping to america ain't exactly low, btw i suck at this game and i am really interested in learning the fast stance light side powers but if there isn't a server closer i might be a bit buggered, so if any one knows of any servers in the uk that would be a great helps thank you.

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Heh the more ping you train on, the better. I'm already training for a couple of days now with my JAT and he is teaching me some REALLY dangerous stuff...And I'm getting it down on a 300 ping heh (cuz I'm in Sweden/Euro and the server is in TX/US). Lower ping=easier, so basically its good for exp. to do it in a high ping environment.

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Seems like a good idea and alternative.


Especially iIf they do not show favoritism and take trainee's, instead of taking and listing only one while others have to wait.

Besides there is nothing weong with people having different choices.



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ok, lemme clarify something REALLY quick, then i'm going back to bed...




i don't care what kal el says... yes he's on the site as a student, but that's just because he tried out to be a trainer but decided he'd rather learn more before training others.


oh, and someone mentioned a UK/European server... i actually was about to post a thread on that :)



David Beckham is da MAN, and i'm American!, Jedi Academy

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"i don't care what kal el says... yes he's on the site as a student, but that's just because he tried out to be a trainer but decided he'd rather learn more before training others."


:rofl: Nothing Kal says carries any weight. He is however, reguardless of how it came to pass, listed as a trainww at the JA.


Thanks Messa for clearing it up though.



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Do not try to rush a good thing becasue if the JA is open and not ready you will complain it is crap, plus Mass does also have a life which does not revlove around Computer games and websites, he is trying to a good thing so stop hurrying him up and wait and I promise you it will be worth it.Also Mass how did you make the site as i want to make my own one (a jedi one) but don't know how to do it like yours.


By the way i have started a new thread called JA2 as this old takes an age to load. Plz just continue you as you were


I am Darth Dragon join my quest to destroy all lightside online players. Join the Jedi academy and learn all you want for free.

Any one who likes the lightside should join the Dark or i shall have to kill you.

(Sorry if this message causes any offence please direct all complaints to dragon INC, thank you and have a nice day.)

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Well, seeing as I missed signing up (again) for the Academy (much to my annoyance, shall persue it further I guess) I will provide my services as a freelance trainer in saber dueling. I can teach all aspects of combat EXCEPT heavy stance. I range from basic movement to advanced combat styles. PM me, ICQ me 62607313, or e-mail me if interested, renegade256@yahoo.com

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