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Anyone seen the show or played the card game? Both are SWEET. Me and my brother each bought a starter deck, and it seems I got the worse one, because my brother has cards about 2x better than mine, and my whole deck revolves around one card, so I always lose, unless I draw it, and usually he finds a way to get rid of it.


Well, anyways, at least check out the show. The show is pretty sweet, too.

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that is a very good discription...


pokemon and magic...




So heavy what deck did you get, I could win the game with ether deck.


Yes i have seen the show, (not bad) and yes i have played (and still play) the game.

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I bought the Kaiba deck. I would have taken the Yugi one, but I let my bro have first pick.


There is one main problem: The whole deck revolves around blue-eyes. I also bought about 3 boosters, and I am having some trouble defeating some of his powerful cards, like the darkmagician, summoned skull, curse of dragon, and Gaia the Fierce knight.


My main problem is it is too weak to battle yugi's. The only card that can beat the skull, gaia, and the magician is blue eyes. And my brother has too many cards that can beat it, like fissure and the one that lets you kill 2 monsters to kill one opponent's. Also, my brother killed me with my blue eyes once when he used reborn the monster :(

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Judge man can take out curse of dragon


i think Rogue Doll can take one skull


and blue eyes can take out magi...



you have all the same magic cards that you said he kills you with, fissure, dark hole, rebon the monster...


Turst me the kiba deck can beat the yugi deck. My sister play always wants the yugi deck when we play and i can beat her about 50-50


Oh and if you are looking for strong cards to add to your deck form the boosters, don't bother, unless you are going to do some combo stuff ;)

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  • 1 month later...

well, I encourage those of you who wish to see what this new thing is all about and buy a starter deck. it only costs ten bucks, and if you don't like it, well, it is only ten bucks, right? If anyone wants to take a look at this, go to either of these two sites:


http://www.yugioh-card.com - the official yugioh card game site

http://www.yugioh-dungeon.com - very good content, they also sell cards, but you can get them cheaper at a store, like gamestop or toysrus. They also have a magic device, apprentice, which was modified to play with yugioh cards. It also includes the latest expansion- Metal Raiders.

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