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How To Set up a Dedicated Server?


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Console thing? Perhaps you could tell me how far you have gotten and where you are stuck. Then I'll be more able to help you. In a summary format, here is what you need to do to setup a dedicated server:


Create a directory on your server where you want the files. /usr/local/games/jk2 (linux example); C:\Program Files\Lucas Arts\Jedi Outcast\ (windows example)


Put a copy of the dedicated server binary in the folder you have created. You can get this from jediknightii.net.


Create a directory in the folder above called base.


Copy the assets0.pk3, assets1.pk3, and (for v1.03) assets2.pk3 files into the base folder above.


Create (or edit) a server.cfg file (or whatever you decide to call it) and include the options you want to run on your server. This can be very detailed or very simple depending on what you want. I'm keeping this general, so specific configs can be discussed later/elsewhere.


Create a startup script (linux) or shortcut/batch file (windows) to start the server. A simple linux example would be:



./jk2ded +set dedicated 2 +set vm_game 2 +exec server.cfg


A windows shortcut example would be: "C:\Program Files\Lucas Arts\Jedi Outcast\jk2ded.exe" +set dedicated 2 + exec server.cfg


Make sure you have all the necessary ports forwarded/open in your firewall/router.


Execute your startup script or batch file/shortcut and you're off.


Obviously, there can be a lot of specific tweaks/adjustments that need to be made depending on your exact OS and other factors. However, this provides a good basic set of steps to perform. Just let us know where you're getting stuck and we'll try to help.

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