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WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model

Adonai Saboath

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heh, I'm pretty psyced too :D I cant wait to see what you guys come up with :)


I'm at my sisters house now, but I figured I'd post a little update. GraFox has received the model, and he'll start skining this weeked. I've sent the model to arco a few times, but his e-mail account has bounced it every time. I sent him an e-mail about it, so I'll get it to him another way. Take all the time you need guys, I have some weighting issues to take care of.


The version I sent you guys had some missweighted verts on the hips which resulted in an ugly deformation. When I get home tonight I'll clear this issue up.


Dinner time


CT :lightning


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sweet, i have no doubt that model will be awesome when it's ready. the mesh looks great, and Grafox is a really talented skinner, that's for sure. the same for arco, so i'm not concerned, that this model could be anything less perfect!

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I'm away for the weekend, but thankfully I have an internet connection I can use for a little while, so I figured I'd post another little update.


I fixed most of the clipping problems I was having with the bottom portion of the robe. I still have to play with the weighting on the front. It bunches up a little strangely still at the area by the right front foot. I also played with the weighting a little on the sleeves, but havent gotten an effect that I even remotely liked yet. I was able to get the model out to Arco, I haven't heard from him yet, but his e-mail didnt bounce it this time, so that's a good sign :D


I'll be back on monday. The model itself is getting close to being final, I just have a few weighting changes to make, and some verts to push around. All that will be left after that is to finished up the skins.


(Somewhere in central PA) CT :lightning


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Well, his eyes seem a little too close to each other, and they looks small... Perhaps with the orange aura they'll look good though. Other then that, the wrinkles are waaay too strong, I mean, they shouldn't be black lines... The rest looks very good though, the neck and the cape and that little thingamabob on his cape. Thumbs up, a bit of work and you're there!

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Very cool GraFox :D I didn't realise you were going to touch up my base skin, but i'm glad you did :)


The eyes definatly don't look right now, I'll move them further appart and increase the size. I'll probly play with the size and shape of the head a bit too. I just got home a few mins ago, let me see what I can come up with.


I'll try bang out the changes and send you a new .max file (I need to adjust the uvmaps on a few other areas too) by tonight :)


CT :lightning


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Originally posted by Toonces

Very cool GraFox :D I didn't realise you were going to touch up my base skin, but i'm glad you did :)


The eyes definatly don't look right now, I'll move them further appart and increase the size. I'll probly play with the size and shape of the head a bit too. I just got home a few mins ago, let me see what I can come up with.


I'll try bang out the changes and send you a new .max file (I need to adjust the uvmaps on a few other areas too) by tonight :)


CT :lightning



Well, technically the face was made from scratch. :) Everything else in the pic is yours. I really like the robe, so I don't think I'll change that.


Anyways, I'll be looking forward to the new mesh.

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Well, I did post the other day, but it must have gotten lost in the server switch.


I threw out my back, so I'm not supposed to be sitting at the comp, but I just wanted to say Great job on the new glm you sent me Toonces! I like the way the sleeves are coming, this model is truly coming along very nicely!

The robe is just flowing excellently!


Grafox keep up the good work! The second pic's skin color looks a bit too dark (too grey), though it may just be the pic. I thought the near white was more appropriate, but based on what I've seen from you, I look forward to seeing your final results :)



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Hey Toonces,


may I have a crack at the facial texture? If you want credentials I used to be the skinner for the SWTTC and TPMTC for MotS. I really have never done anything on the Quake III engine and don't know how to skinmap, but I would love the chance to offer a little variety for you to choose from. you dont even need to send me the model, just your base facial texture (jpg. or whatever)


if not thats cool, I just wanted to contribute in this community somehow instead of just offering my CC




if you do send it, leave the comment as emperor texture or something so I dont mistake it for spam (I get alot of that)


-Sith Lord

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Nice job Grafox, I'm glad you agreed.

I don't usually post criticism unless the artist has asked me to, so I felt a little bad after posting. Heh, I think i'm getting a little too sensative:eek: !


I am loving this model. I forsee it will hold it's place in the JK2 Galaxy as Supreme Ruler :lightning



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Critisim is always good nomad, I know it makes me a better artist :D


Ok, here is where the head is right now, I'm adjusting the maps and will send out a new max file out to you GreFox.




Let me know what you guys think about the placement of the eyes, I moved them out a bit, maby too much, but I want some feedback before I move them again


Oh, nomad and DarExc, I have to send you guys out a new glm tonight, I've made some signifigant changes to the weighting, look for it in a couple hours


CT :lightning


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heh, that's my old skin, I'm not going to finish up that face since GraFox is doing such a great job on Palpatine. I'm going to finish up my Sidious face that I started on though.


Oh, which reminds me, What are you not going to replace on the Palpatine skin I sent you GraFox? You mentioned the texture on the robe, so I'm going to finish that (I'm half way decent with cloth textures). Let me know what else you'd like to do so I don't work on an area your going to do :)


I havent heard from Arco yet, so I'll shoot him out an e-mail out tonight and ask him what he's working on. He mentioned doing an origional charecter which would be great :) I have to remember to ask him about working with shaders, I really wan't to be able to pull off that Holo Palp/Sid as CTF skins


CT :lightning


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Have you guys ever thought of going for the photo-realistic textures? I think they would look quite well on this model. If not, your hand drawn ones are pretty pimp as is. I was just wondering your opinion on it.


btw Toonces, I was wondering if you read my above posts? ^^

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