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WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model

Adonai Saboath

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I don't know why you ignore what I have to say...

What you're missing is making him actually look old with his skin hanging off bones, not stratched on them. Otherwise he looks young and his mouth looks odd!



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Since your willing to get that detailed, I will mention my observations. Comparing your model to the picture, in the picture the emperor shows a little more forehead than your model. You captured the shape of the nose pretty well, but the bridge of his nose is too long. Both these problems can be fixed by setting his eyes at a lower position on his face. The slant in the eyes is good, but his eyes are to wide open. Try raising his lower eyelids a bit. Also, looking at his chin, your models chin is slightly larger, and the wrinkle lines go outward instead of inward. And a more petty observation, the triangle shape where his robe starts(around the neck) is at a less sharp angle in the picture. Hope this helps.

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The new face model looks awesome. you do keep outdoing yourself. as for the new character, I would really love a shot at skinning him as palpatine. just for practice because I haven't skinned in a bit. if you don't mind I mean, you don't have to release my version if you don't wish, I would just like a chance at him.




-Sith Lord

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For some reason, the eyes seemed to lack that of the emperor's yellowish tint, so I ran some ajdustments, and this is what I came up with.. I doubt i can do much more, sure I got the yoda screenshot to look more like yoda, but adjusting just eyes is hard... well, for me anyway





here is what I mean for hte yoda, in case you are wondering.. I took kman's pic, and changed it a little, added a little yellowish-green tint, instead of the brown kman used, and this is what i came up with





well, Great work on the model, can't wait to see it in action!!!




JK2Net File Master


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okay, i played around with one of your screenshots to find out what is "wrong" with the face. i came up with some things that might help. well, at first i rotated the eyes a little, so that the outer part goes deeper down. than i lowered both eyes so that they were nearer to the mouth and the nose-bone goes slightly higher than the eyes. and i made the lips a little thinner. looks better in my opinion, you should try that

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huh??? sorry inbredyokel, i don't know why the forum edited your post, i hit reply!!!! strange, because i don't even have the authorisation to edit other people's posts...

well, so the former post is mine....

very strange

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Man, these forums are really screwed up...again :(


I agree it's missing something, weather it's in the skin, or the model itself I'm not sure. One of the problems though is how diffrent his face looks from diffrent angles, expressions, an light sources. I replayed McDirmit's scenes from RotJ over and over again this morning trying to put my finger on it. In one scene it seems his eyes droop a little to the outside, but in another they were in a strait line (I even paused it numerous times and did measurements :) ) The only conclusion I've been able to come to is that his makeup artist was fantastic, and Mr. McDirmit knows how to act :)


I have played with the position of the eyes alot tonight, size, positioning, rotation, and still I'm a little baffled. On some of the angles I feel I have a dead on resemblence (my icon) But on others it's not quite as strong.


I'll try out what you suggested Luke, and I'll touch up the eyes a little bit.


Kn1ves, I'm not sure why you feel ignored, I read what you said, and I adjusted my mesh because of it :) (what I call his turkey kneck/chin, I've had a few people suggest this) I'm not sure if modeling any additional wrinkles is nessessary, and may un-nessessarly hike up the polycount. Take a look at the skinless shots of Garik's Count Dooku (which I am honored to have been a part of durring the latter stages) His face is very smooth and he looks young, but take a look at the skin, K-Man absolutely did a briliant skin, and the face looks like that of an old man.


§ith Lord, I'm sorry I didnt get any flats out to you yet, I'm re-adjusting my uvmaping right now so GraFox, Arco, you, nomad, and myself have an easier time skining.


So far GraFox is working on his exelent Palpatine skin, and I'm planing on finishing mine as well. (for holo Sidious) I'm not quite sure what Arco is planning on doing, I'm having problems getting him the meshes. nomad is going to make a skin as well, as you might have read he put together a great sound pack, and I cant wait to see what he comes up with. I'll try and get some flats out to you today §ith Lord, and feel free to do whatever you like :)


CT :lightning


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looks really great by now. it's just that the eyes don't seem right to me. the outer sides of the eyes /eyebrows (hope you know what i mean) should be falling down a bit more, so that the eyebrows look more like a bow instead of a line...

but the rest looks perfect!!!! amazing work!


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If you slop the brow down on the sides it should help to give him that mockingly sympathetic look he's quite famous for. Other than that, the only thing that detracts from it is that nose bridge. It's just too thin and tube shaped from the front. If you look at pictures of the emporer, his nose has a distinctive triangle shape from the front and it slants into his cheeks. It's minor detail, yes, but this is the emporer we're dealing with.


[edit]Whoops, I see you've already taken care of the brow part

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Ok...I've been playing with one of the screenshots you posted in photoshop, and I must say you and grafox have your work cut out for you. Even with a photo of the emporer right there in front of me, I can't get the picture to like him. There's something about his face that I just can't capture no matter how hard I try. The shape of the model is perfectly fine, but I don't know if its his eyes, his mouth, his nose, or even just the overall expression on his face, there's just something that I'm missing. Somehow he manages to look both worried and maliciously confident at the same time. Maybe if you used photos for certain parts of the facial texture you'd find what was missing. Normally I'm great at drawing distinctive faces, but this one has me completely stumped. This certainly has to be one of the most challenging faces you could ever have picked to model and skin. I hope you have better luck than I do.

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Toonces, I'm not sure if you saw this... these forums are jacked up, but this might help.


Since your willing to get that detailed, I will mention my observations. Comparing your model to the picture, in the picture the emperor shows a little more forehead than your model. You captured the shape of the nose pretty well, but the bridge of his nose is too long. Both these problems can be fixed by setting his eyes at a lower position on his face. The slant in the eyes is good, but his eyes are to wide open. Try raising his lower eyelids a bit. Also, looking at his chin, your models chin is slightly larger, and the wrinkle lines go outward instead of inward. And a more petty observation, the triangle shape where his robe starts(around the neck) is at a less sharp angle in the picture. Hope this helps.
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A little bit of an update, I adjusted the uvmaps on everything but the hood, which has been a bit of a problem for me. I'll work on that, uvmaping is my weakest area by far.


I'm in the process of packing up some goodies to get out to the skiners, Arco got them this morning, so check your mail in a little while GraFox and §ith Lord, I'll shoot them your way momentarily :)


I decided to begin and touch up my own Palpatine skin a little bit, here's an early shot. I'm getting there...slowly ;)



To answer your question Morphius, I'm going to begin to add color as soon as I finish with all the facial features. I've never done a skin before, but I think that's the best way for me to work. I'm still not sure I'll release my own skin, but we'll see. Every body on the team is doing their own versions of Palpatine, and I plan on including everybodys, so perhaps I'll finish this one and stuff him in somewhere :D



CT :lightning


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Looking better, except he looks a little, sad.


Man.... actually your real close. Its the eyes and the mouth. He has more of a smurk in the pic, and his lower eyelids should go up slightly. Oh, and the lips too you captured his lips better in the earlier model.


I can't wait for Sidious!


[another edit] the line above his eyes that look like eyebrow indentations seem to be causing him to look sad as well.

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