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WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model

Adonai Saboath

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(Grafox) WOW, you should stop skinning now, i doubt that the face could get any better! great awesome job! i'm deeply impressed!!!



(Arco) looks just as good as the other one, it seems that we will all have a hard time to decide which skin we will use in game.

this is a hard world... :D

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Arco, I love that skin! :D


Alright, put §ith Lord's great face skin in game and took a couple shots :D





§ith Lord, I sent you a new glm and the flats for the rest of the body just incase you wanted to take a shot at the rest of him :)


GraFox, you should have the new goods too, I sent them earlier today. Everybody should have the most recent stuff now


I'm gonna have a hard time choosing too Inbredyokel, perhaps I'll alternate :) I'm going to make bots for all three of them too so you wont have to choose who to kill if you use bots :D


CT :lightning


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Perhaps the frown is not necessary. I guess its that his mouth is just a bit too wide. I like the smirk too by the way.


edit: his nostrils also are a tad bit to thick. (Sith Lord) Also, you might want to experiment with a little more yellow around his eyes.




(Arco) Excellent work. I favor the mouth shape of your first skin a little more though. He almost looks happy in that last pic!

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You know, I go away for just a couple of days and every one gets all these delusions of grandeur!!

WOW!! Great work to all three artists! There is some seriously good painting going on here.

Just in case I can be of any help about The Emperor's robe, I have seen it in person :D , so I can guide you in the right direction, if needed. Unfortunately my digital camera died just before I got to his robes (I used too much battery power on pics of Yoda), otherwise I would have had many reference pics to help :(


Anyway, Excellent work. I knew this model was a winner when I first saw the original efforts being put into it :lightning


Let the hatred flow through you!



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Ooooh, Arco just sent me his first Palpatine skin, looks very sweet :D




The inside of the hood will be taken care of so it's not transparent

Gotta make an icon too heh


keo, I'm still working on that skin. I'll try and put a shot up for you a little later.


CT :palpatine


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My skin? I think my skins are a few pages back, and my icon ;) I'm slowly getting better at creating skins, I have a tablet coming soon, so hopefully that'll help :D


Here's the plan right now, There are four Palpatine skins in progress right now. I like variety, and I love the work of all three of these guys :D Arco, Grafox, and §ith Lord's skins will all be included at release, and perhaps mine if you guys like the end result. Grafox and §ith are I beleive just doing a Palpatine skin (correct me if I'm wrong). Arco is doing a number of diffrent skins, Emperor Palpatine young and old, and a couple of other skins that I'll keep quiet about until he gives the ok :D


There will also be at least one Episode 1-2 Darth Sidious skin. Once I iron out the exsisting weighting problems, the hood will be adjusted to appear like it does in the movie laying over most of his head revealing only the bottem half of his face.


CT :lightning


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I just looked at the screens of Arco's skin... Very Nice!!


Arco, I just want to offer my help with one thing,

The robe material looks a little off compared to the real thing. You did a beautiful job on the material's painting though, so I don't know if you'd want to change it (there is always "Artistic License").

To be true to The Emperor, the robes should be a more grainy texture. I'm not too familiar with fabric names and types, but the material used for his robes were kind of like thick, soft "long-johns" material.

I would describe the almighty Emperor's robes as highly grained, soft, flowing wool of pitch black.


The under-robes in your skin are right on though :)


As always, I am amazed with your work!


Hey Toonces, count me as one that likes your skin right along with the other three. So far I vote for all four skin variations :lightning




[edit] Actually, I just looked at the pics again, and it doesn't look as far off as I first thought :p though they still look a little too shiny, as opposed to the texture I was refering to. I think that was what was throwing me off. Take my advice as you see fit ;)

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Sorry Keo, was workin all day so i didn't see your posts. you know I was thinking the same thing about the length of his mouth. but yeah, I will update it and send Toonces more pics.


And guys, all of the skins are great. they show all the diversity of each skinner.


I am actually not that good at clothing textures. faces have been my forte. but im practicing! ;)


I tell you what, I will make 2 versions of his face, smirk and no smirk and I'll have you guys vote on which one will be included.



-Sith Lord

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